Purim @ TJ: Get your groggers ready!
03.12.24 | Stories | News | Articles
It’s that time of year again — PURIM TIME! A time for raucous, silly fun! And whether your idea of fun is cocktails with friends or visiting the KidZone with your littles, we’ve got something for everyone as Temple Judea celebrates Purim!
Gemilut Chasadim: It's your monthly March B'tzelem
03.06.24 | Stories | Articles | Btzelem
As Purim approaches, so does Temple Judea's biggest community-wide event of the year -- the annual, award-winning Purim Carnival! Did you know that this event relies entirely on the altruistic power of volunteers like you? Without...
Rabbi Goor Sends Greeting from Israel
02.27.24 | Stories | News | Articles | Israel
A video message from Rabbi Goor with greetings from Israel. We are coming up on the final weeks to register for our solidarity mission to Israel. From March 31-April 5, Rabbi Aaronson will be leading a small group of our members to Tel Aviv for...
Seeds of Tomorrow: Transforming Temple Judea's Play Yard
02.20.24 | Stories | News | Articles
Our well-loved play yard has not been renovated in over 30 years. That is why we are embarking on an ambitious project this summer to create two new, hands-on, developmentally appropriate outdoor environments that can used by our ECC and...
Full Season Ahead with Women of Temple Judea & TJ Brotherhood
02.13.24 | Stories | News | Articles
In an age dominated by screens and swipes, finding authentic connections and cherishing real-life moments is essential. Enter Temple Judea’s TJ Brotherhood and Women of Temple Judea - lively "IRL" hubs where laughter, learning...
Reflecting on the 4-Month Anniversary of October 7: It's Your Monthly February B'tzelem Newsletter
02.07.24 | Stories | Articles | Israel | Btzelem
February B'tzelem: Reflecting on the 4-Month Anniversary of October 7. See what's happening with Temple Judea's social justice - social action initiatives this month! Every day, we are inspired by the thousands of volunteers in different areas...
Journey of Heart: Temple Judea's Solidarity Mission to Israel
02.06.24 | Stories | Articles | Israel
Throughout history, gathering in community has always been at the core of Jewish culture. For Jews in the diaspora, we honor this tradition at the synagogue. When our homeland is under attack, we honor it by supporting Israel and her people. And...
Mazal Tov to the Adult B'nei Mitzvah Class of 2024
02.02.24 | Stories | Articles
Temple Judea’s adult B’nei Mitzvah program is an expansive year-long journey, immersing participants in group learning, prayer, study and an exploration of Jewish identity and tradition. It’s a special rite of passage for our TJ adults, each with...
Tu B'Shvat: Cultivating Jewish Resilience, Renewal, and Solidarity with Israel
01.23.24 | Stories | News | Articles
Tomorrow night, January 24, begins the celebration of Tu B’Shvat, the new year of the trees. Beyond its agricultural importance, Tu B’Shvat has spiritual and cultural significance as well. Kabbalists see the holiday as a reminder of the divine...
Holding Up & Onto One Another: TJ's Caring Community
01.16.24 | Stories | Articles
In our close-knit community, we show up for one another – for both the oys and the joys! Nowhere is this more true than with Temple Judea’s Caring Community – a group of compassionate volunteers whose main purpose is to support their fellow...