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Welcome to Judea Teen Journeys (JTJ), Temple Judea’s educational and social program for students in 7th-12th Grades. JTJ empowers our teens to claim Jewish tradition as their own, become community leaders, build lifelong friendships, and use their Jewish values and voices to make a positive impact on the world.

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7th Grade
Just as the journey of B’nei Mitzvah bridges a young person into Jewish adulthood, our 7th grade program ushers students from our TK-6 Religious School program into our Jewish Teen Journey (JTJ) program. Through a mix of formal & informal learning and social experiences, teens explore their Jewish identity and voice within the adult world they are entering.

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8th - 12th Grades
In the Judea Teen Journeys (JTJ) program for our 8-12th graders, teens will chart their own path into Jewish identity. Teens will find and use their authentic voice, learn from the wisdom of generations, practice leadership skills, and build a community to last a lifetime.

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Where we honor those teens who have been active members in our community, and join them into the decades-long chain of Confirmands in the history of Temple Judea.

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