Day #1: Thoughts from the Board of Rabbi's Mission to Israel, by Rabbi Emeritus Don Goor
11.27.23 | Articles | Israel
Rabbi Emeritus Goor is representing Temple Judea in the Board of Rabbi's Mission to Israel. Through his words, pictures, and videos, journey with him through Day #1.
Grateful for our Strong Roots
11.21.23 | Stories | Articles
Seventy-one years ago, on a Friday evening in November 1952, Temple Judea sprouted from the dreams of eight families gathered at a tiny Erev Shabbat service.
Gratitude in Action: Celebrating our Board of Trustees
11.14.23 | Stories | Articles
Gratitude isn’t just a concept in Judaism; it’s a way of life. Gratitude is woven into most Jewish rituals - from saying the motzi to the pursuit of tikkun olam.
Snapshots from Rabbi Emeritus Don Goor from Israel, after a month of war...
11.07.23 | Stories | Articles | Israel
This message, written by our Temple Judea Rabbi Emeritus, Don Goor, appeared in the November 10, 2023 Shabbat Judean. It represents his thoughts after a month of war in Israel, where he currently resides.
From Mourning to Action: Confronting Antisemitism
11.07.23 | Stories | Articles
This week, Temple Judea joins with the global Jewish community to mourn. This week, we say Kaddish.
B'tzelem: An Update on Israel
11.01.23 | Stories | Articles | Israel | Btzelem
The three weeks since the massacre of October 7 have been the most painful and trying weeks for the Jewish world since the Holocaust. Many of you have expressed deep pain and fear about October 7. Many of you have had discussions with non-Jewish...
Music to Uplift the Spirit
10.31.23 | Stories | Articles
While music may not eradicate the challenges of war or the poison of antisemitism, it can lift our spirits, deepen solidarity within our community, and foster a profound connection to the sacred within all of us.
You Are the Light
10.24.23 | Stories | Articles
In the face of the challenges posed by rising anti-Semitism and the war in Israel, we find solace in the embrace of our extended TJ family and the amazing Jewish community it provides. We continue to offer hope and avenues for Jewish connection...
A Message from Rabbi Emeritus Don Goor after a Week of War in Israel
10.20.23 | Stories | Articles | Israel
This message, written by our Temple Judea Rabbi Emeritus, Don Goor, appeared in the October 20, 2023 Shabbat Judean. It represents his thoughts after a week of war in Israel, where he currently resides.
Welcoming our new members
10.17.23 | Stories | Articles
While your weekly Judean is filled to the brim with listings for all sorts of events, what makes Temple Judea special isn't just our programming, it's our people. So we're extra-thrilled to announce that this Erev Shabbat, we'll be hosting a...