
Happy Chanukah
    12.20.22 | Stories | Articles

    The Festival of Lights beckons us to draw nearer - to the warmth of the flames, to our Jewish community, and to our favorite food traditions like latkes and soufganiyot. Though Chanukah is considered a minor holiday...

    Chanukah, Oh Chanukah, Oh Chanukah
      12.13.22 | Stories | Articles

      As if by magic, you can practically see the glow of the Chanukah candles! Or maybe that’s just the lineup of fun festivities this week to celebrate the arrival of the first night of Chanukah on Sunday. TJ has something for everyone; from toddlers...

      Need a Ride to Shul?
        12.06.22 | Stories | Articles

        The TJ Brotherhood & Women of Temple Judea have partnered with the company GoGo to provide free rides to and from the synagogue for those who cannot drive themselves.

        Community Story: TJ Brotherhood
          03.09.22 | Stories | Articles

          One of our most active auxiliary groups is our Brotherhood: a fun, connected, supportive place for the men of Temple Judea to gather together to learn, have fun, and give back to the community. From their annual Christmas morning pancake...

          Member Story: Zaghi Family
            02.01.22 | Stories | Articles

            The Zaghi family, Melody and Fardad and their children Jasmine and Jacob, have been members since 2015.  Jacob is a student at the ECC and Jasmine is an ECC alum.
