TJ Stands with Israel
10.17.23 | Stories | Articles | Israel
The crisis in Israel continues to weigh heavily on our minds and hearts. Recent events are overwhelming, and many of us are at a loss for ...
Crisis in Israel
10.10.23 | Stories | Articles | Israel
Our hearts are heavy with the news of the horrific Simchat Torah attack on Israel. As we learn more, the weight becomes almost too much to bear. Israel is a tiny country; everyone is connected by one or two degrees of separation...
A Message from the TJ Clergy about Israel
10.07.23 | Stories | Articles | Israel
A message from the Temple Judea clergy on October 7th, 2023.
October is Here & B'tzelem is Back!
10.04.23 | Stories | Articles | Btzelem
October is here & B'tzelem is back! (Temple Judea's B'tzelem Social Justice-Social Action Newsletter). See what's happening with Temple Judea's social justice - social action initiatives this month! Every day, we are inspired by the thousands...
Sukkot & Simchat Torah
10.03.23 | Stories | Articles
We’re right in the heart of the joyous Z’man Simchateinu, or “Season of our Rejoicing,” as we continue to celebrate the festival of Sukkot and prepare for Simchat Torah. Initially a Jewish harvest festival, Sukkot also serves as a reminder of the...
Sustaining Temple Judea: HHD Appeal
09.26.23 | Stories | Articles
Each year on Yom Kippur, synagogues around the world pause for a High Holy Day Appeal – a generations-old tradition during which members like you embrace the vital Jewish mitzvah of tzedakah by supporting their synagogue. If you’ve already...
Teshuvah, Forgiveness & Yom Kippur
09.19.23 | Stories | Articles
As we journey through the Aseret Yemey Teshuva, the sacred ten days of repentance between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we find ourselves in a profound period of reflection.
Rosh Hashanah: Shanah Tovah
09.12.23 | Stories | Articles
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, sweeps in each autumn with traditions and rituals the Jewish people have been observing for thousands of years.
Selichot & Your Weekly Judean
09.05.23 | Stories | Articles
While the High Holy Days are often thought to begin with Rosh Hashanah, the preceding month of Elul holds special significance.
Supercharge Your Connections
08.29.23 | Stories | Articles
Did you catch those radiant smiles at our Back to Shul Shabbat?