
Community is the heart of Temple Judea.

To us, synagogue is not just about Friday nights and High Holy Days.  It’s about all the days in between.  A special conversation with your rabbi, or a heart-warming moment shared between friends.  All the ways we study, celebrate, take action, and pray.  The comfort and security that comes from being a part of a supportive and loving spiritual community.

Connect with us!

TJ Brotherhood

We are the men’s auxiliary group, and we are present at nearly every Temple-wide event. We are about social action, professional connections, and good times.

Women of Temple Judea

Come connect and have fun with women sharing similar interests. We have programming that will empower and inspire you!

Youth & Family Programs

At Temple Judea, the whole family gets involved!  Come enjoy one of the many informal Jewish learning experiences that we host throughout the year.


TJ Village is a community, not a place. It is a connection. It is a vibrant community of mature adults, thriving independently together. 

TJ Tribe

Spiritual and social programming for young(ish!) Jewish professionals - single, married, in a situationship - you're welcome here!

Caring Community

We are a dedicated group of volunteers who visit the sick and homebound, offer support to bereaved families, and send words of mazal tov in times of celebration.