Selichot, Family & Forgiveness with Adam Nimoy

    09.17.24 | Stories

    While the High Holy Days traditionally begin with Rosh Hashanah, the month of Elul invites us to prepare ourselves through introspection and reflection. It’s a time to pause and reflect upon the past year, and to examine our words and deeds so that we may seek forgiveness and step into the Jewish New Year with a clean slate and renewed purpose. On the Saturday before Rosh Hashanah, the Temple Judea community will come together for our Selichot observance— a vital "warm-up" to the High Holy Days dedicated to themes of repentance and forgiveness.

    Our evening begins with a special presentation by Adam Nimoy, son of the renowned Leonard Nimoy, z’l, and author of The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy. Adam’s book explores the complexities of parent-child relationships, offering insights into our shared human experience. "The book reminds us that our rela­tion­ships are always going to be com­pli­cat­ed... [and that] though we might strug­gle to admit it, our par­ents are just as human as we are." Isado­ra Kianovsky, Jew­ish Book Coun­cil. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Adam speak and get your copy signed. Click here for a 20% discount on the book, or purchase it at the event.

    Following Adam’s talk, we’ll gather for a shared nosh and then proceed to the Goor Sanctuary for a profound Selichot service, sharing a moment of vulnerability, strength, and a commitment to growth and healing. In a collective voice, invoking divine mercy and compassion, we’ll recite the Selichot prayers and seek forgiveness for ourselves and our community. And, alongside former Temple Judea Presidents, we’ll witness the changing of the Torah mantles to their white covers—a symbol of renewal and transformation.

    Join us in person or stream the service online as we embark on this sacred journey of communal and personal growth.

    We look forward to sharing this meaningful experience with you. Still need to reserve your High Holy Day tickets? Click here to explore our programs and services and reserve your tickets.

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