Learning @ TJ
08.21.24 | Stories
With students of all ages returning to school, September is the perfect time to celebrate Temple Judea’s abundance of educational programs! Here, each student is celebrated as a whole person through the lens of Jewish values.
Temple Judea's Early Childhood Center (ECC) is a treasure trove of innovative Jewish programming, crafted with tender care for TJ's littlest learners and their families. Our Parenting Center classes guide babies and their grownups through developmental milestones and foster lifelong friendships within our synagogue community, and our Nursery School provides a nurturing first-time school experience rooted in Jewish values and guided by play - the best way for children to learn and grow.
For those with children in transitional kindergarten (TK) through sixth grade, Temple Judea offers out-of-the-box Jewish learning opportunities designed to inspire a personal connection to Judaism. From weekly Religious School on Sundays or Tuesdays to year-round Camp Sababa, and all of the fun Youth & Family events in between, students experience the benchmarks of Jewish culture and identity - t’filah, music, holidays, ritual, and community - as they prepare to become B’nei Mitzvah.
We also offer a wide variety of opportunities for post-B’nei Mitzvah teens to explore their Jewish identity and connect with their community through our Judea Teen Journeys (JTJ) Program. From hang-outs and classes to events, educational trips, community service, and leadership opportunities, teens can choose what resonates with them and fits their schedule. Our first event of the school year is the Teen Back to Shul-In Sleepover, this Friday, August 23rd starting at 5:30pm. TJ teens and their buddies can come for a night of food, fun, and friends as we kick off the new school year. Register here.
At Temple Judea, together we foster a strong and committed Jewish future, ensuring that the values and traditions which have sustained our community for millennia will continue to thrive for generations to come.