Autumn is just around the corner and Temple Judea’s clergy and staff are hard at work preparing a series of meaningful, inspirational experiences for the High Holy Days and the Festivals of Tishrei.
Your membership entitles you and your immediate family to tickets for High Holy Day Services at Temple Judea. If you have not yet renewed your commitment for 2024-25, please renew online or email Member Services for help, as we cannot confirm High Holy Day ticketing without your completed membership.
Click a button below to register

Sanctuary Services will take place the Goor Sanctuary. All services in the Goor Sanctuary are designed for those 9 years and older. |
Youth & Family Program tickets are for Rosh Hashanah @ Camp Alonim and Yom Kippur Youth & Family Experience @ TJ. Rosh Hashanah @ Camp Alonim is for families who are young at heart and the Yom Kippur Youth & Family Experience @ TJ is geared for children 9 and under, and their families. |
Childcare will be available for children 2 - 8 years old for early evening services and select High Holy Days daytime services (listed in the schedule below) outside of Youth & Family programming so that adults may enjoy a prayerful and contemplative moment while their children are cared for in a trusted environment. Advanced registration required. |
To learn more about our online High Holy Day service options and/or to fulfill the mitzvah of making a contribution to our High Holiday Appeal, click the applicable image below.