One Week to Rosh Hashanah

    09.25.24 | Stories

    Can you believe Erev Rosh Hashanah is just a week from tomorrow? We'll gather with round challahs and apples dipped in honey—symbols of endless possibilities and sweetness. And don’t forget to eat some pomegranate seeds!  According to Jewish tradition, the number you eat predicts your good deeds for the year ahead. 

    As you prepare for 5785 by observing these time-honored traditions, remember to "pause" to embrace the sacredness of the season. Let the shofar’s blast awaken you to a journey of t’shuvah (repentance) that will set your intentions for the year to come.

    The Days of Awe begin this Saturday night with a special Selichot program featuring Adam Nimoy that focuses on family and reconciliation. Then, join us for Rosh Hashanah services the next week.

    Whether you’re with us in the Goor Sanctuary, at Rosh Hashanah @ Camp, or streaming online, your Temple Judea clergy, staff, and lay leaders can’t wait to celebrate with you. Wishing you a "shanah tovah" filled with growth, joy, blessings, and sweetness!  

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