All Israel Is Responsible For One Another
09.10.24 | Stories
For thousands of years, at the center of Jewish life has stood the synagogue, a safe haven and gathering place for Jews looking for community, support, and tradition. The synagogue is, and always has been, the manifestation of what it means to be in community with other Jews, locally and around the world. Together, we care for the sick, console the bereaved, welcome new babies, rejoice with the bride and groom, and engage in the study of Torah.
Each year, at Temple Judea we offer our congregation a theme to live by. This year, we’ve chosen the theme “Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh b'Zeh – All Israel is responsible for one another.” This year, perhaps more than any other in recent memory, we are reminded that as Jews, in times of hardship and in times of joy, we are at our very best when we come together to care for one another, support one another, and stay present for one another. So throughout the year, you’ll see that many of our communications, teachings, and programs will touch on this theme.
Every day, Jews come to Temple Judea looking to be a part of our community, hoping to take part in the wonderful opportunities that we provide. We encourage you to think about how you and your family embody this value, and how your membership, support, and involvement at Temple Judea are, in many ways, the reasons we are able to provide the comfort, safety, and connection that can only be found at a synagogue.
At Temple Judea, it is our sacred responsibility to be your extended Jewish family. As we approach the High Holy Days and the start of a new year, we look forward to a year filled with celebration, worship, learning, and connection - together.