
One Week to Rosh Hashanah
    09.25.24 | Stories

    Can you believe Erev Rosh Hashanah is just a week from tomorrow? We'll gather with round challahs and apples dipped in honey—symbols of endless possibilities and sweetness. And don’t forget to eat some pomegranate seeds!  According to Jewish...

    Selichot, Family & Forgiveness with Adam Nimoy
      09.17.24 | Stories

      While the High Holy Days traditionally begin with Rosh Hashanah, the month of Elul invites us to prepare ourselves through introspection and reflection. It’s a time to pause and reflect upon the past year, and to examine our words and deeds so...

      Reach Out to Connect
        09.10.24 | Stories

        Just a reminder: your staff and clergy are here for you during this busy season. Our website, templejudea.com, is packed with great resources, but if you prefer a more personal touch, give us a call at (818) 758-3800 or send us an email!

        All Israel Is Responsible For One Another
          09.10.24 | Stories

          Each year, at Temple Judea we offer our congregation a theme to live by. This year, we’ve chosen the theme “Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh b'Zeh – All Israel is responsible for one another.”

          High Holy Days @ TJ
            08.27.24 | News

            With the High Holy Days just over a month away, we’re thrilled to offer a range of services and events designed to bring our community together for reflection, connection, and renewal. There's something for everyone, from traditional sanctuary...

            Learning @ TJ
              08.21.24 | Stories

              With students of all ages returning to school, September is the perfect time to celebrate Temple Judea’s abundance of educational programs! Here, each student is celebrated as a whole person through the lens of Jewish values. 

              Feel the Energy at Temple Judea
                08.12.24 | Stories

                Yesterday, as students across Los Angeles excitedly returned to school, the city felt a literal jolt of excitement—thanks to a small earthquake! We’re harnessing that same vibrant energy here at Temple Judea as we launch into an exciting year of...

                An Epic "Back to Shul" Shabbat 2024
                  07.30.24 | Stories

                  Celebrate the end-of-summer and rock the back-to-school spirit at our epic "Back to Shul" bash on Friday, August 23! This ultimate reunion brings together long-time friends, family, and our Temple Judea community for an unforgettable...

                  Honoring the Raffs!
                    07.23.24 | Stories

                    We are delighted to share that on August 11, Temple Judea's very own Rabbi Bruce Raff and his wife Tamar will be awarded honorary doctorates from the American Jewish University's School for Jewish Education and Leadership, honoring their...

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