Mazal Tov to the Adult B'nei Mitzvah Class of 2024
02.02.24 | Stories, Articles
Temple Judea’s adult B’nei Mitzvah program is an expansive year-long journey, immersing participants in group learning, prayer, study and an exploration of Jewish identity and tradition. It’s a special rite of passage for our TJ adults, each with unique motivations. Some missed the opportunity to celebrate becoming a bar or bat mitzvah at thirteen– maybe they didn’t have a strong Jewish background, weren’t Jewish at thirteen, or grew up during a time when Jewish girls weren’t allowed to read Torah. Others see this adult B’nei Mitzvah as a chance to renew their commitment to Judaism with greater purpose and intentionality.
There’s no doubt that an adult B’nei Mitzvah is something very special. Participants truly embrace something profound in their lives, declaring the significance of their Jewish identity and a lasting commitment to the Jewish way of life.
So this Friday night at 6:15pm in the Goor Sanctuary, we’re inviting you to join in the simcha for a special Erev Shabbat and adult B’nei Mitzvah service. Let’s come together to celebrate with Marilyn Feldman, Janette Fishman, Rebecca Mikhaylov, Ken Miller, Fran Rosen, Romy Sperling, Monika Suarez, and Kirsten Winikoff as they chant from the Torah and share heartfelt words about their journey to become B'nei Mitzvah. We look forward to sharing this milestone moment with them and to affirming their enduring commitment to our Jewish community.