Rabbi Goor Sends Greeting from Israel
02.27.24 | Stories, News, Articles, Israel
"Israelis are so deeply touched by those who come and those who support them. In the beginning when I greeted groups I would say to them, 'how nice it is that you're here with us,' but now I've come to understand that what I say to them is, 'how nice it is that you're a part of us.' ” ~Temple Judea's Rabbi Emeritus, Rabbi Don Goor
We are coming up on the final weeks to register for our solidarity mission to Israel. From March 31-April 5, Rabbi Aaronson will be leading a small group of our members to Tel Aviv for a once-in-a lifetime trip designed especially for Temple Judea - and you can be there with us! From visiting with soldiers and Israeli scholars, to standing side-by-side with Israelis preparing supplies for reservists, to a special Shabbat dinner with Rabbi Goor, this trip will be one that you’ll never forget. There are still a few spots available. Secure yours and become an active participant in this challenging moment in time - for Israel - and for the Jewish people. To learn more or register, CLICK HERE. For personal assistance, email Tammy Lerman at .