Shining Your Light Out for Chanukah
12.05.23 | Stories, Articles
We came to banish the darkness. In our hands we hold fire and light.We came to banish the darkness.
In our hands we hold fire and light. Each of us is a small light. But together we are tremendously bright.
~ Translation of the Chanukah song, Banu Choshech Legaresh
As Chanukah approaches Thursday evening, we’re gearing up to embrace the radiant spirit of the festival of lights. Beyond its historical significance, this minor yet cherished Jewish holiday embodies a simple, but important message: a small flame has the power to dispel profound darkness.
Picture the first flicker of flame we kindle on the first night, the Shamash, a symbolic beacon that spreads light to all the other candles on the menorah - “one for each night” increasing the light and banishing the darkness. While we can’t eradicate the darkness in the world with mere wishes or force, we can certainly brighten our reality by putting kindness and goodness out into the world.
So, as you put your menorahs in the window, we extend an invitation to reflect on how each of us can become a “Shamash” and bring light to the community. At Temple Judea numerous opportunities await - from offering a heartfelt “Shabbat Shalom” at services to learning how to comfort our mourners in tonight’s new Rituals of Grief & Mourning Class. Join our Caring Community, lighting up someone’s day through visits to the sick and homebound, supporting bereaved families, or sharing mazals during times of celebration. Engage in our B’tzelem social action initiatives by contributing gently used clothing, coats, and shoes to our December 10-15th clothing drive, or by donating packed lunches for the December 18th sack lunch collection.
Seeking more inspiration? Gather tomorrow evening December 6th, at 7pm, to hear renowned speaker, Rabbi Ed Feinstein speak about how to create a world that God would want to share.
Together, let’s continue to add light in the world through g’milut chassadim (acts of loving kindness), tzedakah, & tikkun olam.