Need a Ride to Shul?
12.06.22 | Stories | Articles
The TJ Brotherhood & Women of Temple Judea have partnered with the company GoGo to provide free rides to and from the synagogue for those who cannot drive themselves.
The TJ Brotherhood & Women of Temple Judea have partnered with the company GoGo to provide free rides to and from the synagogue for those who cannot drive themselves.
With our hearts and bellies full after Thanksgiving, our attention turns back to our daily lives.
One of our most active auxiliary groups is our Brotherhood: a fun, connected, supportive place for the men of Temple Judea to gather together to learn, have fun, and give back to the community. From their annual Christmas morning pancake...
The Zaghi family, Melody and Fardad and their children Jasmine and Jacob, have been members since 2015. Jacob is a student at the ECC and Jasmine is an ECC alum.