You Are the Light

10.24.23 | Stories, Articles

“A candle is a small thing. But one candle can light another. And see how its own light increases, as a candle gives its flame to the other. You are such a light." —Moshe Davis

Temple Judea isn’t just a synagogue; it’s your second Jewish home. In the face of the challenges posed by rising anti-Semitism and the war in Israel, we find solace in the embrace of our extended TJ family and the amazing Jewish community it provides. Last Friday, we joyously gathered to celebrate the growing light of our community by kindling Shabbat candles and extending a warm welcome to the newest members of Temple Judea.   

We remain committed to providing support and safe spaces to address the crisis in Israel. Information about some upcoming Israel-related events is listed in the section below. We continue to offer hope and avenues for Jewish connection, learning, and spiritual growth. There are a number of upcoming opportunities to highlight -- starting with our inaugural TJTribe Shabbat Night Out event, this Shabbat, where TJ singles and couples in their 20s, 30s, and 40s are invited to gather after services for connection. 

We are also excited about all the new Adult Learning programming that is launching in November & December, beginning with TJ’s Speaker Series, featuring a lineup of esteemed and inspirational speakers. For those in later adulthood, we're initiating a four-part series “Growing Older, Growing Wiser”, that will delve into Jewish traditions on becoming a B’nei Hochma, a child of wisdom. Plus, explore Rabbi Cantor Wissot's December course on Jewish Rituals of Grief & Mourning.

While engaging our intellects, let's also continue to lift our spirits -- whether packing sack lunches or Thanksgiving meal boxes with Social Action, or raising our voices in song at the Judea Sings Disney concert. And what better way to come together as a Jewish community than to celebrate the miracle of Chanukah, from “All About Chanukah” workshops for parents and grandparents, to a Youth & Family Sababa Saturday Chanukah party, to our TJ-wide Erev Shabbat & Very Israeli Chanukah celebration. 

Want more? Our newly redesigned website will make it easier-than-ever for you to stay updated on events, access resources, and connect with our vibrant community. Jewish tradition teaches us that hope, or tikva, serves as an antidote to fear and hatred. At Temple Judea, there is an abundance of hope to be found. We look forward to your presence and participation, as we continue to come together to spread the light. Together, we will persevere. Am Yisrael Chai!

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