TJ Stands with Israel
10.17.23 | Stories, Articles, Israel
The crisis in Israel continues to weigh heavily on our minds and hearts. Recent events are overwhelming, and many of us are at a loss for how to respond. For those searching for a way to help, we remind you that our clergy have compiled a short list of organizations they support, which are accepting donations for Israel. Click here to learn more and donate.
For those wishing to learn and discuss, or who need a safe space to ask questions about the history of the region or the current situation in the Middle East, Rabbi Aaronson will be hosting a conversation next Wednesday, October 25 @ 7:30pm on Zoom. Click here to register.
Even in the midst of tragedy, we must continue to look for a path forward out of the darkness. Now, more than ever, it is vital that we come together to learn, help, and support one another and the Jewish people.