Teshuvah, Forgiveness & Yom Kippur
09.19.23 | Stories, Articles
As we journey through the Aseret Yemey Teshuva, the sacred ten days of repentance between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we find ourselves in a profound period of reflection. It's a time to mend not only our relationship with the divine, but also with those we hold dear. This includes seeking forgiveness from friends and family, and doing the work of repairing relationships that cannot be healed through prayer alone.
The stages of teshuvah call on us to acknowledge our wrongs, feel genuine remorse, mend what we've broken, make unwavering resolutions of change, and offer heartfelt apologies to those we've wronged. As we unburden ourselves from the weight of our transgressions and breathe life into fresh intentions this week, we invite you to embrace this moment as an opportunity to genuinely connect with this process of teshuvah and to embrace the spirit of forgiveness within ourselves.
Our clergy and staff have crafted many special opportunities for you to experience the sanctity of Yom Kippur. From traditional Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur Day services to the much-loved Youth & Family Yom Kippur Experience, there are paths for everyone to walk on this spiritual journey. Join Rabbi Aaronson on Yom Kippur afternoon for a profound exploration and study, followed by the afternoon service. Remember and honor your loved ones during a poignant Yizkor service. Finally, during the solemn Neilah service, we'll come together to bring the Days of Awe to a close, yearning for that ultimate blessing, G’mar chatimah tovah -- “a good final sealing.”
While our in-person services are at capacity, if you have not already reserved tickets or are unable to attend in person, we extend the invitation to participate in these moments through our online viewing options.
All of us at Temple Judea extend blessings to you and your loved ones, invoking a year ahead brimming with joy, health, and fulfillment. May fasting, for those who partake, be tzom kal - an easy and a meaningful fast. And g’mar chatimah tovah to all: may you be sealed in the Book of Life for another year.