Shavuot Tov
06.11.24 | Stories, News
Embrace the spirit of Shavuot, deepening your connection to Torah, to Temple Judea, and to the greater Jewish community! Tonight ushers in the holiday of Shavuot, one of the three major Jewish pilgrimage festivals (along with Passover and Sukkot). Falling exactly 7 weeks from the first day of Passover and marking the end of the Omer period, Shavuot is traditionally celebrated as the anniversary of the giving of the Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai. To honor this sacred moment, we immerse ourselves in Torah study, recapturing the joy of the Israelites at Sinai. And to bring that experience to life for our community, Rabbi Aaronson and Rabbi Cantor Wissot will lead a meaningful Shavuot service and Torah study tomorrow, June 12 @ 10:30am for the entire Temple Judea community.
Additionally, Temple Judea is joining together tonight with our neighbor Valley Beth Shalom at their synagogue in Encino for a Tikkun Leyl Shavuot. Originally developed by sixteenth-century kabbalists, a Tikkun Leyl is the custom of staying up on Erev Shavuot to study with one's community. This special event will feature guest speaker Ori Epstein and a Shavuot text study with Rabbi Ed Feinstein, exploring traditional Jewish sources of Tikkun Olam. Register now.
Chag Sameach - We looking forward to celebrating with you!