Judaism is Rooted in Gratitude
11.29.22 | Stories, Articles
With our hearts and bellies full after Thanksgiving, our attention turns back to our daily lives. But let’s not allow the gratitude to fade! Judaism offers many opportunities to express thankfulness. The first prayer of the day is Modeh/Modah Ani – a thank you for the gift of another day. We can also practice hakarat hatov, or “recognizing the good.” It requires a frame of mind that notices and appreciates all that we have: good health, family, friends, food, safety, security, and community. But how can we show our gratitude? In big and small ways: a kind word, a hug, making the extra effort for someone, or sharing from our own abundance by preparing a dish or making a donation. With #GivingTuesday upon us, there are myriad deserving organizations clamoring for your attention and your support. This year, we hope you'll consider a donation to Temple Judea’s wonderful schools: the ECC and Religious School. We are full of gratitude for our teachers, our administrators, and all of the incredible people who work hard every day to create a safe, nurturing environment that inspires a love of Judaism in our children! We hope you’ll show your appreciation for them, too. Just click the image below to donate - there's no gift too small! Thank you!