Grateful for our Strong Roots
11.21.23 | Stories, Articles
Seventy-one years ago, on a Friday evening in November 1952, Temple Judea sprouted from the dreams of eight families gathered at a tiny Erev Shabbat service. Less than a decade later, Temple Judea had grown into a vibrant community of 175 families. Those eight families - with their vision to create a leading Reform Jewish community in the San Fernando Valley, eventually led us to Lindley Avenue in Tarzana, where today, our congregation of over 700 families flourishes on this beautiful campus.
But the magic isn't just in our bricks and mortar; it's in our people: our living etz chaim, our tree of life. Temple Judea's strength is anchored by our continuity, led by a very special group of 36 (a lucky double chai!) long-time members, who've belonged to this synagogue for 50 years or more! Their experience, creativity, participation and love of Judaism continue to uplift us all.
As we prepare for Thanksgiving festivities this week, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our 36 "etz chaim" anniversary members and to you - Temple Judea's future etz chaim members - for your ongoing commitment to this community. Together, we can ensure Temple Judea remains strongly rooted so future generations can continue to find a safe, nurturing Jewish home where all Jews are welcome to worship among friends.
Mazal tov to our 36 "etz chaim" anniversary members who have been part of our Temple Judea community for 50 or more years this November:
60+ Years
Hilda Fogelson
William & Marian Schiff
Jerry & Myrna Gordon
Cantor Gerald Miller & Bonnie Friedman
Judith Davidson & Martin Grant
55+ Years
Terry Sobo
Al & Brendie Rosenbloom
Marjorie Denker
Jackie Wissen
Rima Kay
Annette Lewis
Arline Goldberg
Carryl Carter
Carol Michals
John & Micki Glaser
50+ Years
Stuart & Marietta Bernthol
Harvey & Nancie Piccus
Jean Aaron
Taube Bregman
David & Nadene Wohlgemuth
Mike & Charlotte Levitt
Judith Miller
Lillian & Jack Schrier
Gary & Barbara Luboff
Lillian & Chuck Fagelson
Gloria Grossblatt
Evelyn Bergman
Rochelle Browne
Jules & Dorothy Burg
Al & Sara Dreskin
Irving & Sandra Klasky
James Lerman
Lois Neiter
Mark & Marsha Novak
Alan & Nancy Wiener
Arnold & Victoria Kupetz
**THANKSGIVING SCHEDULING: Please note, there will be no Religious School class today, Tuesday, Nov. 21, but class will meet on Sunday, Dec. 26. There will be no Beit Midrash classes Wednesday, Nov. 22 or Friday, Nov. 24. TJ's administrative offices will be closed Wednesday, Nov. 22 - Friday, Nov. 24, and the ECC will also remain closed through Friday, Nov. 24.