Connect, Learn, & Celebrate @ TJ
10.29.24 | Stories
As we step into this new year together, Temple Judea is buzzing with energy! Our High Holy Days celebrations brought us closer, reminding us of the incredible strength we share as a community. Now, let’s explore a 5785 filled with opportunities for Jewish connection, learning, and spiritual growth.
This Saturday, November 2, young families can jump into Shabbat joy! Our first Tot Shabbat of 5785 begins at 9am, welcoming our littlest members to enjoy music, stories, and playtime. Kindergarten through 6th grade kids will love the Youth & Family Shabbat: Sababa Style @ 4pm, packed with creative activities and fun. Plus, registration for our Sababa Winter Camp from December 23-27 is open— email to experience meaningful learning about Mussar and Jewish values wrapped in winter camp fun!
Registration is closing soon for this year’s Women’s Retreat, organized by Women of Temple Judea on Sunday, November 3! Led by Rabbi Cantor Wissot, Rabbi Cantor Blum, Cantor Kerith Spencer-Shapiro, and Lauren Weisman, this day promises movement, meditation, art, and delicious food—a perfect opportunity for deeper reflection and connection as we explore the theme "All Israel is Responsible for One Another."
The learning continues as we celebrate Jewish resilience and courage! On Wednesday, November 6 @7pm, speaker Joel Poremba will explore lessons from his father’s remarkable Holocaust survival story and resilience in the face of antisemitism. Then, on Thursday, November 7 @ 1:30 PM, TJVillage First Thursday program hosts veterans Rabbi Josh Knobel and 94-year-old Benjamin Breslauer as they share their insights as Jewish graduates of West Point Academy.
Survey says... for fun, laughter, and friendly competition, you won't want to miss Family Game Night on Friday, December 6, sponsored by TJ Brotherhood! Teams of TJ congregants and staff will go head-to-head in a Jewish-themed version of that famous TV show you know and love. We're counting on your answers to help shape this awesome event, so please take a moment to fill out the survey by November 3. (Just one response per email address, please!) We can’t wait to see how well you know your TJ community!
From B'tzelem's Thanksgiving Meal Boxes and Winter clothing drive to a Disney Music Concert, Brotherhood Men's Bowling Night, WTJ Mah Jongg Tournament, ECC Book Fair & Pajama Night, and so much more – TJ’s calendar is bursting with events that celebrate the connections that bind us. Here’s to a year filled with warmth, inspiration, and a shared commitment to each other and the Jewish community!