
Hebrew Learning: 4th-6th Grades

Although students are exposed to Hebrew from Kindergarten, and even begin learning to decode Hebrew in 3rd grade, starting in the fourth grade, students are expected to extend their learning to include Hebrew language instruction. This can be done in two ways:  in person, or online.

In-Person Hebrew on Sunday or Tuesday: 

Sundays: 11am-12pm / Tuesdays: 5:45-6:45pm

Many families with students in 4th-6th grade will choose to extend their religious school day with an hour of in-person, small-group Hebrew learning. Over the years, we have found that smaller class sizes and individualized attention is the key to maximizing learning, and helping our students transition into preparation for B’nei Mitzvah. Please note, given our educational goal to create class groupings with students at similar levels, we may not be able to accommodate certain friend requests. 

Online Hebrew Lessons:

We are happy to offer opportunities throughout the week for online, 1:1, Hebrew learning opportunities, individually with a teacher. We recommend this option to our Sababa-only students, to those students who feel "behind," to students with relevant learning differences, or to those who may have difficulty achieving consistent Sunday or Tuesday attendance. 

After you register for online Hebrew lessons, we will contact you separately to schedule your online Hebrew sessions. We ask that you choose a day of the week and time that will work with your child’s schedule for the entirety of the school year.

Click here to learn more about our TK-6th Religious School Judaica Program. 

Power Hour

While your 4th-6th grader is in Hebrew class (Sunday 11am-12pm or Tuesday 5:45-6:45pm), their younger siblings who are in TK-3 can attend TJ’s POWER HOUR! It’s an hour of creative, supervised fun for a nominal fee, so you don’t have to pick up twice! Please be in touch with our office for more information.

Hebrew Boot Camp

If your rising 5th/6th grade student feels like they need extra help or tutoring, we will make a “Hebrew Boot Camp” class available for an additional fee. We HIGHLY suggest this summer Hebrew review to help get your student back on track for B'nei Mitzvah preparation. Please be in touch with our office for more information.