At Temple Judea we’re all about fostering a vibrant, intellectual Jewish life.  Whether you have an hour or are ready for dedicated study, it’s time to embrace meaningful learning like never before! 

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L'dov v'Dor Genealogy Series with Richard Hoffman
Have you ever wondered where your grandparents lived? How their birth, death or marriage was announced by presenting the event before the landsmen, the documents that represent these life events are largely available through the genealogical indexes that are now on the internet. Learn to research your family tree by attending this genealogy workshop -- a favorite at Temple Judea.

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"Growing Older, Growing Wiser" Group
Join Rabbi Raff and a licensed therapist to explore what Jewish tradition teaches about finding meaning and purpose in later adulthood. There are two ways to participate - join the in person group or join the zoom group, each consisting of four sessions! Engage in deep conversations, share reflections on growing older…how you stay creative and productive in later life and remain connected. Become a B'nei Hochmah, a child of wisdom as together we will prepare, learn, and share a guided process of reflection to forge a new vision for your life's purpose that reflects what’s important now. The Zoom group will meet Wednesdays at 2pm: April 23, and May 28. The in person group will meet Thursdays at 2pm: April 17, and May 22. Registration required for the series in order to participate.

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Torah Study with Your Clergy
Got an hour? Get some Torah! A lively discussion of this week's Torah. It's a wonderful way to work a little self care -- and self improvement -- into your day! Torah Study is a recurring meeting -- come for lunch on campus or from the comfort of your home.

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Adult B'nei Mitzvah & Confirmation
TJ offers an Adult B'nei Mitzvah program & Adult confirmation program in alternate years. In the Adult B'nei Mitzvah year, learn to read Torah amongst friends! In the Adult Confirmation year, continue your spiritual connection as you further explore your adult Jewish identity. Our next Adult Confirmation class will begin in 2024 and a new Adult B'nei Mitzvah class will begin in 2025. If you have questions, please contact Rabbi Cantor Lily Blum at

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ECC & Parenting Center Classes, Groups & Workshops
Temple Judea's ECC recognizes the unique challenges facing parents of nursery-aged children. Caregivers can explore developmental milestones together in our parenting center's baby & me, toddler & me, and grandparent & me classes. Our Parent Processing group with Michelle Slobin, a licensed marriage and family therapist, offers a unique space for parents to share, vent, ask, and discuss parenting challenges. Plus, throughout the year, the ECC offers workshops on topics of interest to parents -- exploring TK and Kinder options, grief & loss in pregnancy and parenting, fertility challenges, stress and anxiety, and more. Contact the ECC for more information about current classes, groups, and workshops at 818-342-3840.
Community Learning
Temple Judea has a number of community groups and clubs that meet to share a love and learning across a variety of interests. From Book Clubs (People of the Book & Book Mavens) to Movie Clubs (both virtual & in person), Jewish Baking to Mah Jongg, and everything in between. Contact our auxiliaries: Women of Temple Judea, TJ Brotherhood, TJVillage, Caring Community for more information! And be sure to check out our weekly Judean e-newsletter for upcoming event dates!
Sayva: Celebrating later adulthood
The Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles has awarded a grant to a partnership of community institutions (Temple Judea, Temple Ramat Zion, Valley Beth Shalom and L.A. Jewish Health- formerly Jewish Home for the Aging) to create SAYVA. Sayva means wisdom, sagacity, depth. The goal of SAYVA is to provide educational, recreational, community-building and wellness programming to hundreds of older adults. The goal of SAYVA is to make later adulthood interesting and purposeful - a time to be celebrated and cherished. The programming of SAYVA is meant to complement the communities of seniors which already exist and have been providing meaningful programs for so long. Click the link below to learn more about upcoming & workshops

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Melton Adult Jewish Learning
If you are seeking a more meaningful Jewish life and want to engage in great conversation! Melton classes are where you come for the learning and stay for the community. There is something for everyone with new topics, new teachers, and new curriculum, including the Living Wisdom Series and a variety of Scholars Courses. Learn with our interactive teachers and rabbis what Jewish wisdom has traveled long and far to tell you. Questions? Contact Conejo/West Valley Melton Director Pamela Rooks at to learn more about classes and to discover how you can participate. Assistance is available and all learners are welcome.

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