Our JTJ 7th graders focus ontzedek(justice) and tikkun olam (repairing the world).
Just as the journey of B’nei Mitzvah bridges a young person into Jewish adulthood, our 7th-grade program ushers students from our TK-6th Religious School into our Judea Teen Journeys (JTJ) program. Through a mix of formal & informal learning and social experiences, teens explore their Jewish identity and voice within the adult world they are entering. By focusing on a variety of local social issues, students will foster their sense of tikkun olam - the Jewish obligation to better the world around them - and share the Jewish vocabulary behind our people's commitment to tzedek (justice) and g'milut chasadim (acts of loving kindness). Students will engage in social action, build relationships with one another & the Jewish people, and deepen their own Jewish identities. During each unit, students will participate in hands-on experiences and consider potential ways to be advocates and change makers. Students may earn volunteer hours for their school or hours towards their g'milut chasadim requirement for their B'nei Mitzvah. The year will conclude with students' active participation at Mitzvah Day.
Please note that the 7th grade program is a required part of becoming a B’nei Mitzvah at Temple Judea. However, it does not include Hebrew learning, which, during the 7th grade, is incorporated into the B'nei Mitzvah preparatory program.