Madrichim are role models to younger students and lead small group activities and experiences. During the school year, teens commit as Madrichim to supporting our teachers & staff by assisting with one of our religious school programs, monthly family programs, photography & videography, or dreaming up a new way to share talents with our community. Teens with Hebrew knowledge and abilities may also volunteer in our Hebrew program and offer extra support to those kids who need it the most. Participation in this program is free, and teens can earn community service hours for volunteering, plus receive ongoing training with our Assistant Director of Education. Returning 11th and 12th grade Madrichim are eligible to be paid for their work in place of receiving community service hours. Additionally, paid Madrichim who work on Tuesdays will receive an additional $2/hr!
When Camp Sababa is in session, teens commit to supporting our teachers and staff in building and maintaining a supportive, warm, safe, and nurturing camp environment. These volunteers also serve as role models of Jewish living and help campers in developing a deep understanding and appreciation of their Jewish identity. With opportunities for personal growth and leadership, teens will enjoy a fun, sometimes challenging, but wholeheartedly rewarding experience! There is no charge to become a Jr. Camp Sababa CIT volunteer, and teens can earn community service hours for their work. Returning teens (ages 16+) may apply for a paid Counselor position.
An elite group of Madrichim who help support our Beit Midrash class on Wednesdays between 4-6 PM (for 1 hour or more) This honor is reserved for people with technical skill in Hebrew and chanting, and with capability to act as mentors and teachers. Qualified students should have consistently impressed us with their diligence, excellence, enthusiasm and intellect. Beit Midrash madrichim will receive on the job training and support from our Cantorial team as they deepen their knowledge of Torah and Haftarah trope, build leadership skills, and earn community service hours.