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Lily Blum

Rabbi Cantor

Rabbi Cantor Lily Blum has always possessed a deep-rooted passion for Jewish music and text. Even before the milestone of becoming Bat Mitzvah, she knew she wanted to pursue a career as a Cantor. Her appreciation for and love of Jewish music began at a young age when she started singing with one of her mentors, Cantor Nathan Lam, in the third grade at weekly Friday night Shabbat services. She was also profoundly influenced by her Bat Mitzvah tutor, and now dear colleague, Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot.

Rabbi Cantor Blum was the first to graduate from the Jewish Sacred Music Program at Indiana University, earning a BA in Jewish Studies with minors in Hebrew, Music, and History. She was ordained by the Academy for Jewish Religion, CA as a Cantor in 2016 and again as a Rabbi in 2018. After ordination, Rabbi Cantor Blum served Temple Shalom of the South Bay in Hermosa Beach as their Rabbi, Cantor, and Religious School Director for three years. During her schooling, Rabbi Cantor Blum interned and taught at many synagogues throughout the Los Angeles area including: Temple Judea, Temple Ahavat Shalom, Valley Outreach Synagogue, Temple Isaiah, Stephen Wise Temple, and Ohr HaTorah Synagogue. It was Rabbi Cantor Blum’s lifelong dream to become clergy and to help guide people through all of life’s challenges and celebrations. She is very proud of her work on both of her theses on music as therapy (2016) and a biblical examination of grief and bereavement (2018). 

Rabbi Cantor Lily Blum is a part-time member of our clergy team who contributes to our B’nei Mitzvah program, officiates at lifecycles, and handles all of our TJVillage and B'tzelem programming. Rabbi Cantor Blum lives in the San Fernando Valley with her husband and their daughter.

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