Gifts to our Temple Judea Funds uplift our community & programming at our synagogue. We could not do what we do without your generous support. 

See the gifts made July 2023 - May 2024 below.

*This page will be updated every other month. 

Campership Fund

Brian Golenberg in loving memory of Glenn Golenberg

 Heather & Jared Karpel in appreciation of Temple Judea 

Joel, Allison & Bryan Miller in honor of Janette Fishman becoming Bat Mitzvah

Joshua Moss in honor of Temple Judea Chanukah Party

Dale & Mike Nissenson in honor of Toni Erlich's birthday

Fran & Alan Panich in memory of Barry Scherer

Danny Rojany in honor of Allan Michaelson

Director of Education - Education Fund

Ed & Paula Bosza in loving memory of Abby Barkin Meyers

Zachary & Arielle Chesler

Barbara, Todd, Drew & Shayna Cobin in memory of Bryna Lane

Scott & Beth Fink in loving memory of Jerry Fink 

Richard H. Hoffman in loving memory of Becky Marcus' grandfather, Arnold Young

Michael & Gail McCord in memory of Abby Barkin Meyers

Bill & Tiffany Wagner in honor of Abby Barkin Meyers

ECC Program Support Fund

Sandy & Clark Buch in loving memory of Art Myerson

Carryl Carter in congratulations to Rabbi Cantor Lily & Phil Blum on the birth of their daughter Annie Hope

 Sandy Cooper in appreciation of ECC for Imagination Station

Barri & Greg Girvan in gratitude of Sam Reiss and Stephanie Moseska for taking incredible care of our Leah, our Smiling Sun, this year

Steven & Sasha Gurvitz in honor of Luke (Shalev) Gurvitz's baby naming

Richard H. Hoffman in honor of Elan Edber becoming Bar Mitzvah

Ronald & Joann Kramar in memory of Norman Kramar & Mildred Kramar & Shirley Turkel, and in honor of Elan Edber becoming Bar Mitzvah

Lambert Family in honor of Arthur Myerson, in loving memory of Mary Myerson

Sheryl & Richard Marcus in loving memory of Faye Roos

Allan & Elaine Melnick in loving memory of Abby Barkin Meyers

Allan Melnick in loving memory of Elaine Melnick

Moseska Family in memory of Art Myerson

David & Vera Neporent in honor of health wishes for their children and grandchildren; wishing a speedy recovery to Neporent family and for the miracle of Israel's salvation

Edie Radloff in memory of Abby Barkin Meyers

Ronald Roscoe in honor of Children's education

Marla & Jerry Sackler, and family, in appreciation of ECC and in loving memory of Abby Barkin Meyers & Dale Jackson, and in honor of Elan Edber becoming Bar Mitzvah & in loving memory of Alan Fischer

Rachel Zimmerman in memory of Abby Barkin Meyers

Sharon Joy Caplan Tash in honor of Sunny Blum and the fun she's had "in school"!

Ellen M. Rose Caring Community Fund

Ilene Blok in memory of Sidney Kass & Reuben Kass

Marlyn Burleigh in honor of Sandy Rosenfield's Special Birthday

Darlene Daniel in honor of Al Dreskin's 90th Birthday

Judy Davidson & Marty Grant in honor of Chloe Kalnasy

Beverly Dolin in honor of our Book Group

Sharon L. Furman in honor of Sandy Rosenfield's Special Birthday

Mara & Dan Golding in loving memory of Abby Barkin Meyers

Myrna & Jerry Gordon in memory of Hilda Fogelson

Cindy Gutterman in honor of the Ellen M. Rose Caring Community Fund

David & Maureen Kleinbrodt in loving memory of Victor Adler

Alan Schiff & Sheila Linderman in honor of Bill Schiff's Special Birthday

Mark & Marsha Novak in loving memory of Eddie Marks

Sherry Raber in honor of Ilene Blok

Eric P. Rose in memory of Shirley Rose

Carolyn Rothberg in memory of Elaine Melnick

Merkie Rowan in appreciation of Ilene Blok and the Caring Community

Lois Scherer in loving memory of her Grandmother Berta Krevat 

Carly Schwartzbach in appreciation of Ilene Blok for hosting our belated Mother's Day challah bake

The Weintraub Family in loving memory of Herman Weintraub

Endowment Fund

Mady & Arthur Jablon in memory of Milton Walzer

General Fund

Joan  & Bob Asarnow in honor of Hilda Fogelson

Gail Aspinwall in memory of Irwin Feiles

Andrew & Judith Benson in honor of Al Dreskin on his 90th birthday, in memory of Dorothy Benson and Benjamin Fox

Michael & Susan Blumenfield in loving memory of David Groner, Ruth Groner, Abner Blumenfield, Clara Blumenfield 

Gail Browdy in honor of Richard Drogy's 84th Birthday

Melanie Browdy in appreciation of mom Gail Browdy for going on the TJ mission to Israel

Karen Brutman in loving memory of Barry Scherer 

Darlene Daniel in loving memory of Dennis Gershick & Sarah Gershick, Bernard H. Gershick, Jerome Daniel

DriveWise Auto Inc. in appreciation of Stephanie & Spencer Moseska, in appreciation of Asynith Xitco

Beverly Dolin in honor of Al Dreskin's Special Birthday, in honor of  Barbara & Larry Diamond's 60th anniversary

Joel Drum in appreciation of Temple Judea

Scott Fink in loving memory of Adell Fink

Judy & Dave Friedman in honor of Temple Judea 

Lorraine Friedman in loving memory of Ray Friedman, in loving memory of Mark Friedman and Toby Dodkowitz

Gellman Family in loving memory of Glenn Golenberg

Roben & Fred Gerson in honor of Marilyn Feldman becoming Bat Mitzvah

Beth & Alan Goodstein in honor of Ken Miller becoming Bar Mitzvah

Jennifer & Robert Handler in memory of Glenn Golenberg

Clifford & Cynthia Hassel in memory of Manuel Hassel

Bonnie & Bruce Hofert in memory of Glenn Golenberg

Richard Hoffman in loving memory of Larry Franklin

Karen Hurwitz in loving memory of her husband Arnie Hurwitz 

Kid Fund & Nicole Kidman in honor of Steve Lasheve

Justin Krane & Suzanne Kamenir in honor of Michael Krane's Yahrzeit

Noah Kleinman in honor of Ken Miller becoming Bar Mitzvah

Nan Krasne in memory of Paul Krasne  

Toby & Stephen Koppekin in memory of Walter Levinson, Mildred Levinson, & Susan Misonznick, Larry Franklin

Joann & Ron Kramar in loving memory of Larry Franklin

Stanley & Amelia Landes in appreciation of Temple Judea

Beth Lasky in memory of William & Bertha Lasky

Iris & David Lassoff in memory of Milton Finger, Selma Finger & Alex Finger

Verna Liss in loving memory of Jeffrey Liss, in memory of Hymen Friedman

John Magoulas in memory of Abby Barkin Meyers

Bruce Maxwell in honor of Temple Judea

Michelle & Steve Mayer in honor of Ken Miller becoming Bar Mitzvah

Greg Miller in honor of Ken Miller becoming Bar Mitzvah

Miss Foundation - Los Angeles Chapter in appreciation of Temple Judea

Lianne & David Noddle in memory of Joan Spiro, Susan Stone's mother

Sari Scheer & Eric Frank in appreciation of Temple Judea

Bobbie Schwarcz Paetzke & Paul Paetzke in loving memory of Tibor Schwarcz and Chuck Paetzke 

Jacob & Kathryn Perlin in honor of belonging to Temple Judea 

Mark & Lynn Porath in memory of Dick Polonsky

Jennifer Rawicz in honor of the Goldberg Family (Amy & Brian, Lois & Stan, Jennifer & John) 

Maury Rice in appreciation of Temple Judea 

Eduard Rotenberg sending get well wishes to his wife, Alice Rotenberg & granddaughter, Liana Rosenberg

Eduard & Alice Rotenberg sending get well wishes to the Rotenberg family

Rebecca Rubin in loving memory of Barry Scherer 

Lois Scherer in loving memory of beloved father & grandfather Irving Krevat

Helen Schuster in honor of Marlene Katzman's 90th birthday

Joel & Amy Segall in loving memory of Bud Hailperin 

Ilene & Eric Silberman in memory of Abby Barkin Meyers

Gerald Spike in honor of Lillian Spike 

Elaine Tennen in loving memory of Barry Scherer 

Ron & Ellen Tinero in loving memory of Shoshana Melech

Karlene & Howard Weg to help fund the additional heightened security requirements

The Vrbas Family in honor of Abby Barkin Meyers

David & Carol Winikoff in congratulations Kirsten Winikoff becoming Bat Mitzvah

Kirsten & Eric Winikoff in appreciation of Temple Judea

Anonymous in honor of Hilda Fogelson

Anonymous in memory of Abby Barkin Meyers

2730 Wilshire Staff in loving memory of Hilda Fogelson

Music Fund

Elaine Adler in honor of Emma Aaronson & Joely Bothast

Harriet & Harvey Bookstein in honor of Rabbi Cantor Wissot's HaZamir Program

Carryl Carter in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot for the Artist in Residence weekend

Edber Family in honor of Emma Aaronson

Chuck & Carol Berney Family Trust in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot

Beth & Scott Fink in loving memory of Grace Kammeyer

Arline Goldberg in honor of Al Dreskin's 90th birthday, sending get well wishes to Alan Wiener

Lysa & Bill Harris in honor of Standing on the Shoulders: Cantors In Training Recital

Cantor Yonah Kliger & Sydnie Suskind in honor of Emma Aaronson & Joely Bothast

Verna Liss in loving memory of Anna Berman

Jonathan & Nancy Littman in memory of Harold Littman

Erica Kertesz in honor of Fran Rosen becoming Bat Mitzvah

Brad & Morgana Rosenberg in honor of the CIT Program, Emma Aaronson, &  Joely Bothast

Alvin & Brendie Rosenbloom in loving memory of Sidney Greenball

Mark Rosenthal in honor of Gail Aspinwall

Carolyn Rothberg in honor of Rosh Hashanah Service, in congratulations to the Shapiro family on Jack Spiro becoming Bar Mitzvah & in honor of Romy Sperling becoming Bat Mitzvah, Carolyn Rothberg in honor of Jerry Gordon's Special Birthday

Jay & Lydia Schlanger in memory of Jeff Schlanger and Rhonda Singer

John Wallace in memory of Hilda Fogelson

Nancy & Al Wiener in loving memory of Larry Franklin

Jackie Wissen in honor of Al Dreskin's 90th birthday, wishing a speedy recovery to Alan Wiener

Linda & Rob Zimring in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot

Natalie Smolens ECC Scholarship Fund

Johanna, Jonathan, Henry & Cooper Kichaven in memory of Abby Barkin Meyers

Richard & Sheryl Marcus in memory of Lawrence Irwin Katz 

Parenting Center Scholarship Fund

Ronald & Joann Kramar in memory of Stanley Turkel

Rabbi Joshua M. Aaronson Discretionary Fund

Ilene Blok in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson

Harriet & Harvey Bookstein in memory of Sally Mermelstein, Murray Mermelstein & Michael Mermelstein

Burg Family in honor of Jules S Burg

Carryl Carter in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson

Steven & Susan Cobin Family Foundation in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson

Judy Davidson in loving memory of JoAnn Bardfield and her love of Rabbi Aaronson's sermons; in honor of Rabbi  Aaronson

Martha Davis in memory of her husband, Herbert Davis

Bobbi & Paul Endler in memory of Alan Templer

Glenn & Rosalyn Feldman in appreciation of Francis Fishman's baby naming and  loving memory of mother, Rochell Weinstei

Marilyn Feldman in appreciation for helping her grow on her journey to become a Bat Mitzvah

Rick & Resa Firestone in congratulations for the wedding of Lisa Bargman & Ian Firestone

Monique & Greg Franklin in loving memory of my father, Reinhard Hurlimann

Brenda & Martin Goldmark in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson

Robert & Rena Golenberg in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson for his support during our family's difficult time

Debbie & Mike Gordon in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson

Richard & Lorrie Gurewitz in loving memory of Freda & Morris Kay

Cynthia & Kurt Haas in appreciation of Temple Judea

Cliff & Cindy Hassel in memory of Fran Hassel

Abigail & Paul Herman in honor of Elijah Herman becoming Bar Mitzvah

Ellen & Stuart Israel in honor of Kirsten's conversion

Laura & Shaun Kalnasy in gratitude of Chloe Kalnasy becoming Bat Mitzvah

Arlene & Alan Karpel in appreciation of Rabbi Joshua Aaronson for Zoe becoming Bat Mitzvah

Rima Kay in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson

Sandy & Irv Klasky in loving memory of Larry Franklin

Joann & Ron Kramar wishing a speedy recovery to Rabbi Aaronson

Andy & Fern Keimach in gratitude of Rabbi Aaronson

Lawrence & Dana Kligman in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson

Michael & Melissa Lieberman in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson for officiating at our wedding

Verna Liss in loving memory of Shirley Liss

Richard & Sheryl Marcus in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson for our simcha

Judith Miller in memory of Monya Peckler, Matthew Peckler, Ida Major, Will Johnson, and Matthew Chaney, Arvey Shier, Jean Shier and Esther Neiman, Phillip Peckler & Dorothy Burg

Ken & Rose Lynne Miller in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson

Ken Miller in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson for a wonderful year of study and prayer for his Bar Mitzvah

Robert Morgenstern in loving memory of Diana and Seymour Morgenstern

Jerry & Bev Nemetz in memory of Dorothy Burg

Eric & Rachel Rojany in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson for Ella becoming Bat Mitzvah

Nancie & Harvey Piccus in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson

Joel Schiff & Judith Gilbert in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson

Jay & Lydia Schlanger in memory of Jose Jimenez and Lou Schlanger

Brian & Lynne Shine in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson for officiating at the wedding of Jake & Risa Shine 

Emily & Benjamin Strauss in honor of Eitan Gil (Oliver Jordan Strauss)

Lara & Eric Tochner in loving memory of Lella Haddad

Karen & Steve Twersky wishing a speedy recovery to Rabbi Aaronson

Lauren & Brian West in honor of Charlotte becoming Bat Mitzvah

Nadene & David Wohlgemuth in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson

Robert & Ida Worth in honor of Harry & Isabel Aaronson's marriage

Robert & Ida Worth & Family in memory of Lawrence Howard Franklin

Anonymous in honor of Yahrzeit for Jean Jefferson & Peggy Sanders

Rabbi Cantor Lily Blum Discretionary Fund

Marilyn Feldman in appreciation for helping her grow on her journey to become a Bat Mitzvah

Abigail & Paul Herman in honor of Elijah Herman becoming a Bar Mitzvah

Arlene & Alan Karpel in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Blum in honor of their granddaughter, Zoe Karpel becoming a Bat Mitzvah

Joann & Ron Kramar in congratulations on the birth of Annie Hope Blum

Mayer Family in appreciation of Robert Mayer's unveiling ceremony

Ken Miller in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Blum at his Hebrew Naming Ceremony and for a wonderful year of study and prayer for his Bar Mitzvah

Natasha Wadiaeff & Ryan Fischbach in gratitude of Gabriella becoming Bat Mitzvah

Lauren & Brian West in appreciation of Charlotte becoming Bat Mitzvah

Carol Zuckerman in memory of Elaine Melnick and Judy Citron

Rabbi Donald Goor Lifelong Learning Fund

Gail Browdy, Melanie Browdy & Avi Ram in honor of Ken Miller becoming Bar Mitzvah

Mickey Donner in honor of Ken Miller becoming Bar Mitzvah

Sumner Fein in honor of Ken Miller becoming Bar Mitzvah

Andrew & Fern  Keimach in loving memory of Barry Schoenbrun

Joel, Allison & Bryan Miller in honor of Kirsten Winikoff becoming Bat Mitzvah

Frayne & Sandy Rosenfield in honor of Ken Miller becoming Bar Mitzvah

Rabbi Bruce Raff Discretionary Fund

The Estate of Lilian Zacks in memory of Lillian Zacks

Grant Family in loving memory of Greta Grant

Marilyn Feldman in appreciation for helping her grow on her journey to become a Bat Mitzvah

Marvin Fischler in appreciation of Rabbi Raff for assisting with the unveiling of Burt Fischler

Karen Hurwitz in appreciation of Rabbi Raff

Joann & Ron Kramar in loving memory of Vicki Maurer, in congratulations the birth of Stassi Elle Raff

Allison & Joel Miller in loving memory of Ilene Kaplan

Ken Miller in appreciation of Rabbi Raff for Ken Miller becoming Bar Mitzvah

Cathy & Barry Pearlman in memory of Marilyn Safenowitz

Howard & Marsha Spike in loving memory of Jack and Lillian Spike, in loving memory of Charlotte Terris, in loving memory of Jean Spike

Stacey Weiss in honor of Stanley Weiss

Ida & Robert Worth & Family in honor of the birth of Stassi Elle Raff

Rabbi Eric D. Rosenstein Discretionary Fund

Ashlee & Gregory Berard in appreciation of the Berard mezuzah ceremony

Sari & Daniel Edber in appreciation of Rabbi Rosenstein for Elan becoming Bar Mitzvah

David Elan in appreciation of Rabbi Eric Rosenstein for the Helsper Family

Arielle & Mark Feldman in honor of Norah and Lily Feldman's Hebrew naming ceremony

Brenda & Martin Goldmark in appreciation of Rabbi Rosenstein

Gurvitz Family in honor of Abby Barkin Meyers

Marilyn Feldman in appreciation for helping her grow on her journey to become a Bat Mitzvah

Deena & Andrew Lear in appreciation of Rabbi Rosenstein for Jacob becoming Bar Mitzvah

Adam Meyers in appreciation of The Temple Judea Clergy

Allison Joel & Bryan Miller in loving memory of Abby Barkin Meyers

Karmi & Harold Monsher in appreciation of Rabbi Rosenstein

Sandy & Irv Klasky in memory of Alan Temple

Jenny Lerner & Jeff Cohen in appreciation of Rabbi Rosenstein

Ian Lewis, Galit Lerman & Oliver Mooney-Lewis in loving memory of Abby Barkin Meyers

Ken Miller in appreciation of Rabbi Rosenstein at his Hebrew Naming Ceremony and for a wonderful year of study and prayer for his Bar Mitzvah

Jill & Allan Rice in appreciation of Rabbi Rosenstein for the Jewish naming ceremony for Abigail Rice

Alan Schiff & Sheila Linderman in honor of Marian Schiff's Special Birthday

Natasha Wadiaeff & Ryan Fischbach in gratitude of Gabriella becoming Bat Mitzvah

Anonymous in memory of Abby Meyers

Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot Discretionary Fund

Book Club B in honor of Fran Rosen becoming Bat Mitzvah

Chris & Beth Barber in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot

Chuck & Carol Berney Family Trust in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot

Randi Berney in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot

Elaine DiBlasio in honor of Fran Rosen's Bat Mitzvah

Sari & Daniel Edber in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot for Elan Edber becoming Bar Mitzvah

Alessandro & Tracy Fadin in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot

Marilyn Feldman in appreciation for helping her grow on her journey to become a Bat Mitzvah

Roz & Glenn Feldman in congratulations for Marlene Katzman's 90th birthday

Jane Freedman in appreciation of and in gratitude for Rabbi Cantor Wissot's music and education

Rickie Gole in appreciation of all the faith you have in my teaching skills with so many referrals

Debbie & Michael Gordon in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot for a Rosh Hashanah honor

Debbie Schlesinger Greenwood in gratitude of the blessing for her Dad's 102nd birthday & in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot being a part of their family celebration

The Hershey & Pearlman Families in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot's beautiful voice at the Festival of Cantors

Abigail & Paul Herman in honor of Your love, support, and guidance on Elijah Herman's journey to becoming Bar Mitzvah

Leah Herz in loving memory of her beloved mother, Elaine Herz

Ellen and Stuart Israel in honor of Kirsten's conversion

Leah & Joshua Justman in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot for Jacob becoming Bar Mitzvah

Laura & Shaun Kalnasy in gratitude of Chloe Kalnasy becoming Bat Mitzvah

Sandy & Irv Klasky in congratulations to Bobbi Endler on her Special Birthday

Deena & Andrew Lear in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot

David & Hillary Leibovitch in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot & High Holy Days

Dennis & Susan Levin in honor of Dolly Schuffman

Barry Levitt in loving memory of Esther Levitt & Edie LevittNorman Levitt, in memory of Gerald "Jerry" Lotterstein

Jarret & Michelle Lewis in appreciation of Allie's mikveh

Michelle & Steve Mayer in honor of Joely Bothast and Emma Aaronson

Allison & Joel Miller in loving memory of Ilene Kaplan, in honor of the HaZamir Program

Ken Miller in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot at his Hebrew Naming Ceremony and for a wonderful year of study and prayer for his Bar Mitzvah

Marissa Pomerance & Kyle Jones in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot

Eric & Rachel Rojany in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot for Ella Rojany becoming Bat Mitzvah

Jay L. Schlanger in honor of grandmother, Jean Sankey

Lori Sullivan in honor of Fran Rosen becoming Bat Mitzvah

Bruce & Eva Ticknor in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot

Ellen & Ron Tinero in loving memory of Avi Frankl and in memory of Ira Robinson, father of Roni Adler

Danielle & Andy Vorzimer in honor of Rabbi Cantor Wissot's help, support, wisdom, and guidance preparing Ethan and our whole family for his Bar Mitzvah

Michael & Adrienne Wienir in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot

Ida & Robert Worth & Family in honor of Matthew Lerman & Jillian Goodman's wedding

Natasha Wadiaeff & Ryan Fischbach in gratitude of Gabriella becoming Bat Mitzvah

Ella Zarky in honor of Carl Jacobs

Anonymous in loving memory of Glenn Golenberg

Social Action Assistance Fund

Evelyn Bergman in memory of Eddie Marks, Barry Schoenbrun, Bud Hailperin, Brenda Hoffman, and in honor of Ellen Opell's Special Birthday & Gary Luboff's Special Birthday

Mady & Arthur Jablon in loving memory of Larry Franklin

Claudia Bloom Soroko in memory of Dani Rogers' father, Irwin Feiles

Barbara, Todd, Drew & Shayna Cobin in memory of Alfred Katz & Helen Katz, Joan Spiro

Congregation Shir Ami in appreciation of Temple Judea for supporting their Mitzvah Day project

Richard Hoffman in loving memory of Bud Hailperin and in honor of Ellen Opell's Special Birthday, in congratulations for Sandy Rosenfield's Special Birthday

Arthur & Mady Jablon in congratulations for the marriage of Emily Goor and Scott Canna, in honor of Ellen Opell's Special Birthday & Gary Luboff's Special Birthday, and in memory of Eddie Marks, Bud Hailperin, Eve & Milton Walzer, Irving Jablon, Victoria Jablon, Rhea Silvers, Janet Pransky

Ronald & Joann Kramar in loving memory of Eddie Marks

Saundra & Hilary Mandel in loving memory of Anna Mandel (February 4), Rebeca Baron (February 17), David Katz (February 21), Irving Mandel (March 10), Herbert Ross (March 16), Carolyn Ross (July 12)

Debby Marks in loving memory of Barry Scherer

Cantor Gerald Miller & Bonnie Friedman in honor of Ellen Opell's Special Birthday, Gary Luboff's Special Birthday, Evelyn Bergman's Special Birthday, and Arthur Jablon's Special Birthday; in loving memory of Abby Barkin Meyers

Ellen & Michael Opell in honor of Gary Luboff's Special Birthday, Ken Miller becoming Bar Mitzvah, and well wishes for a community member

Lois Scherer in memory of Sandy Ferreria, Goldie Greenfield, Mildred Miller, Richard Goldwasser & June Goldwasser, in memory of Florence Scherer's yahrzeit, in loving memory of Larry Franklin

Howard & Marsha Spike in loving memory of Barry Lane

Debbie Shayer in memory of Eddie Marks

Glenn & Vivien Weinman in loving memory of Margaret Herskovits

Larry & Barbara Weintraub in loving memory of Barry Scherer, in honor of Ken Miller becoming Bar Mitzvah

Social Justice Fund

Ivan & Nikki Axelrod in honor of the Citizenship program

Janis Cohen-Milch in honor of the Pathways to Citizenship program

Karen Fienberg in loving memory of Glenn Golenberg

Joann & Ron Kramar in memory of Paul Wolf

Rolf Lesem in loving memory of Abby Barkin Meyers

Debby Marks in memory of Bud Hailperin

Binnie Nadler in honor of Sandy Rosenfield's Special Birthday

Jill and Andy Nieman in honor of Judy Rutt's Birthday

Mark & Marsha Novak in honor of Marian & Bill Schiff on their Special Birthdays and 70th Anniversary

Lori Rothschild in memory of Mel Israel and William Rothschild, Joyce Rothschild

Merkie Rowan in honor of Pathways to Citizenship program

Judy & David Rutt in loving memory of Sarah Evelyn Kadosh, in loving memory of Bonnie Jimenez, in memory of Glenn Golenberg, in memory of Eddie Marks, Bud Hailperin, Dani and Michael Rogers' loss and in loving memory of Lois Scherer's loss, sending get well wishes to Rabbi Aaronson, in honor of Kirsten Berkman Winikoff for her Tony Award for best musical, The Outsider and to Jonathan & Nancy Littman on winning a Tony Award for Merrily We Roll Along; in loving memory of Larry Franklin

Lois Scherer in loving memory of Marcus David Greenfield, beloved husband, father & grandpa

Claudia Bloom Soroko in honor of Judy Rutt's Special Birthday for the Citizenship program

Howard & Marsha Spike in appreciation of Jim Grant

Steven A. Fuld Youth Fund (Program Support)

John & Norine VanderHooven in loving memory of Robert and Josephine (Josie) Berger, Max and Lily Berger, Celia and Ralph Levy


Judith & Andrew Benson in honor of Sandy Rosenfield's Special Birthday

Darlene Daniel in honor of Ken Miller becoming Bar Mitzvah & Marilyn Feldman becoming Bat Mitzvah

Judy Davidson & Marty Grant in memory of Elaine Melnick

Faraneh Fassazadeh & Leor Binshtock

Arline Goldberg in honor of Sandy Rosenfield's Special Birthday

Richard Hoffman in memory of Elaine Melnick

Marian & Bill Schiff in honor of Sandy Rosenfield's Special Birthday

Year-End Giving

Leon & Mary Blankstein

Jacqueline Romano & Gregory Stern