Gifts to our Temple Judea Funds uplift our community & programming at our synagogue. We could not do what we do without your generous support.
See the gifts made through February 2025 below.
*This page will be updated every other month.
*This page will be updated every other month.
Director of Education - Education Fund
Harris Ballow in memory of Eric Lebovitz, z'l
Donna & David Horn in loving memory of Norma Tempkin, z'l (grandmother of Alyson and Jared Friedman), mother of Donna Horn, in honor of Chase & Nora Friedman's Baby Naming
Geraldine & Michael Sobelman in loving memory of Pearl Pincus, z'l
ECC Program Support Fund
Clark & Sandra Buch in appreciation of the work of the teachers
Carryl Carter in memory of Hilda Fogelson, z'l
The Dugan family in honor of the passing of Barbara Cohen Wolfe, z'l
Sari & Daniel Edber in memory of Jerry Sackler z'l, and with love to Marla, Sydney, and Ryan
David & Amanda Epstein in appreciation of Early Childhood Center
Alyson & Jared Friedman in appreciation of the amazing teachers and staff of the ECC for taking such good care of children and friends
Barri & Greg Girvan in appreciation of Erin Aghai and Michelle Slobin
Debra & Bill Guinchard in loving memory of Jerry Sackler z'l
Richard Hoffman in loving memory of Don Siegle, z'l, father of Susie Pike, and in congratulations on the marriage of Lisa Whitman's daughter Sarah to Ryan Stewart
Joann & Ron Kramar in loving memory of Don Siegle, z'l, father of Susie Pike and in memory of Stanley Turkel, in loving memory of Eric Lebovitz, z'l, in memory of Norman Kramar, wishing a speedy recovery to Susie Pike, in congratulations on the marriage of Lisa & John Whitman's daughter, in memory of Joann's mother, Shirley Turkel, z'l
Lambert Family in loving memory of Jerry Sackler z'l
Stephanie & Spencer Moseska in loving memory of Karen Moseska, z'l, and Arthur Myerson, z'l
Vera & David Neporent with wishes for a speedy recovery
Susie & Andrew Pike in loving memory of Jerry Sackler z'l
Lynn & Mark Porath in loving memory of Syril Salzer, z'l
Marla & Jerry Sackler in honor of Sarah and Ryan's wedding and in loving memory of Don Siegle, z'l
Carolyn & Mike Schulman in memory of Jerry Sackler, z'l
Lisa & Sam Shapiro in loving memory of Jerry Sackler, z'l
Lisa & John Whitman in memory of Jerry Sackler z'l and Dawn Cordano, z'l
Robert & Ida Worth in memory of Gail Feinstein, z'l
Ellen M. Rose Caring Community Fund
Ilene Blok in memory of her daughter, Maaike, z'l, on her Yahrzeit, Frances Shirley Kass, z'l, and in loving memory of Jack Blok, z'l
Marlyn & Art Burleigh in honor of Adele Quiat's special birthday
Kim & David Daniel in memory of Gayle Miller, z'l
Iris & David Lassoff in appreciation of Ilene Blok and the Caring Community
Binnie Nadler in loving memory of Al Dreskin, z'l
Marsha & Mark Novak in memory of Jerry Spike, Al Dreskin, Elliot Ross, Terry Sobo, and Mark Dorenfeld, z'l
Eric P. Rose in memory of Rob Zimring, z'l, Ellen M. Rose, z'l, and Michael Shane, z'l; in loving memory of Ellen M. Rose, z'l
Carolyn Rothberg in memory of Roger Diamond, z'l
Merkie Rowan in honor of Ilene Blok and the Caring Community
Sheila Linderman & Alan Schiff in gratitude of all the help and wonderful food during Marian Schiff's hospital and rehab stay
Marsha & Howard Spike in honor of Ilene Blok's Mandelbrodt
Jackie Wissen in memory of Dr. Al Dreskin, z'l
Women of Temple Judea Board in memory of Terry Sobo, z'l
Endowment Fund
Mady & Arthur Jablon in honor of the yahrzeits of Victoria & Irving Jablon, z'l
General Fund
Laurence & Ilene Abramson in honor of Alan & Nancy Wiener
Anonymous in memory of Glenn Golenberg, z'l
Anonymous in honor of Rachel and Cory Falikoff, Megan, and Zachary, David and Jennifer Eisenberg, Emma, and Jacob
Bogomolny Family in loving memory of Alexander Bogomolny, z'l, and Ganna Loyeva, z'l
Stanton Canter in appreciation of Mike Amerikaner, for his kindness and assistance
Darlene Daniel in loving memory of Dennis R. Gershick and Al Dreskin, z'l, in appreciation of Sarah Gershick
Beverly Dolin in memory of Dr. Al Dreskin, z'l
Joel Drum in appreciation of Temple Judea
Jaci & Jon Feldman in honor of Rabbi Bruce & Tamar Raff
Rosalyn & Glenn Feldman in loving memory of Milton Feldman & Roselyn Strauss, z'l, parents of Glenn Feldman, Esack Weinstein, z'l, father of Rosalyn Feldman, and Leo Weinstein, z'l, brother of Rosalyn Feldman
Lorraine Friedman in loving memory of Ray Friedman, z'l
Rami Gishi in appreciation of Temple Judea
Sandee & Joel Greene in loving memory of Al Dreskin, z'l, a very special man
Judie Harlan in loving memory of Erik Lebovitz, z'l
M.G. Hurwitz in honor of a special person
Carl Jacobs in appreciation of Temple Judea
Dick & Pauline Kaku in memory of Terry Sobo, z'l
Nicole Kidman in honor of Steven Lashever
Adam & Lisa Kleiger in loving memory of Lewis Landsman, z'l
Non Krasne in memory of Paul Krasne, z'l
Verna Liss in memory of Anne Berman, z'l
Bruce Maxwell of Knauf Maxwell Insurance Services in honor of Temple Judea
Alan M. Perper in appreciation of Temple Judea's continued importance to the Jewish community
Marc L. Robbins in loving memory of My dear aunt and twin sister to my mother, Esther Sobo
Vicki & Alan Rotstein in memory of Terry Sobo, z'l
Carl & Carol Singerman in honor of Dr. Al Dreskin, z'l
Howard & Marsha Spike in appreciation of Senior Staff
The Tinero Family in loving memory of Shoshana Melech, z'l
Joel & Gail Weiner in gratitude of Rabbi Cantor Lily Blum
Adrienne & Michael Wienir in appreciation of Temple Judea's security measure
Judy Scharf Scholarship Fund
Anonymous in honor of Temple Judea
Susan Alice Goldman in honor of the babka baking class
Suzi & Cary Reisman in honor of the Judy Scharf Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dale Struman & Phil Silver in honor of Julie Besikof, cousin of Dale Struman (Phil Silver)
Lois Scherer in loving memory of the Yahrzeits of sister & Aunt Sandra (Sandy) Greenfield Ferreira, z'l, and Bubi and great-grandmother Goldie Greenfield, z'l
Marshall Blair Leadership Fund
Gary Blair in loving memory of Harry & Katie Blair, z'l
Marvin Lezak Israel Scholarship Fund
Sylvia Lezak & Family in loving memory of Marvin Lezak, z'l
Music Fund
Carryl Carter in loving memory of Rob Zimring, z'l; in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot on bringing such beautiful music at the High Holy Days
Janet & Stanton Canter in honor of Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot
Rosalyn & Glenn Feldman in congratulations to Marcy & Dan Lenard on their 30th anniversary and for Marcy's special birthday
Jordan Friedman in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot
Arline Goldberg in loving memory of Rob Zimring, z'l
Sandee & Joel Greene in loving memory of Ronald Spiegel, z'l
Verna Liss in loving memory of Shirley Liss and Sidney Lissz, z'l
Jonathan & Nancy Littman in loving memory of Jonathan Littman's father, Harold Littman, z'l
Joann & Ronald Kramar in loving memory of Rob Zimring, z'l
Lois Neiter in honor of Saundra Mandel, z'l
Marsha & Mark Novak in loving memory of Robert Zimring, z'l
Jacqueline Palumbo, Barbara, Matt, Andrew, and Daniella in loving memory of Our Dear Friend, Terry Sobo, z'l
Evie & Orie Raphael in honor of Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot's Cantors In Training Program
Brendie & Alvin Rosenbloom in loving memory of Chuck Fagelson, z'l
Morgana & Brad Rosenberg in honor of Rabbi Cantor Wissot for her mentorship and leadership of Ofilia Rosenberg on her Bar Mitzvah
Mark Rosenthal in honor of Gail Aspinwall
Carolyn Rothberg in gratitude of Temple Judea Clergy for the honor of participating in the High Holy Days Service; in loving memory of Rob Zimring, z'l
Lois Scherer in loving memory of Rob Zimring, z'l, and Aunt Sadie Miller, z'l
Lydia & Jay Schlanger in memory of Rhonda Singer, z'l and in loving memory of Jeane Sankey and Jose "Pep" Jimenez, z'l
Lillian, z'l, & Jack Schrier in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot
Nancy & Al Wiener in memory of Al Dreskin, z'l, in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot
Natalie Smolens ECC Scholarship Fund
Barbara & Todd Cobin in memory of Barbara Cohen-Wolfe, z'l
Joann & Ron Kramar in memory of Jerry Sackler and Mildred Kramar, z'l
Parenting Center Scholarship Fund
Rabbi Joshua M. Aaronson Discretionary Fund
Anonymous in gratitude of Rabbi Aaronson facilitating Kirsten's conversion process
Anonymous in loving memory of Dr. Richard Ferman, z'l
Nikki & Ivan Axelrod in loving memory of Morris Axelrod, z'l, father of Ivan Axelrod
Nancy Joyce Axelrod in loving memory of Sandy Simon, z'l, sister of Nikki Axelrod
Pam Bakst in memory of David Gardy, Jules & Evelyn Casser, z'l
Amber & Jordan Barth in gratitude for Liam Barth becoming Bar Mitzvah
Harriet & Harvey Bookstein in memory of Michael Mermelstein, z'l
Gail Browdy in loving memory of Renee Weintraub, z'l
Chris & Greg Cohen in honor of the birth of our first grandchild, Dustin Rhodes Cohen
Lillian Fagelson in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson for the warm memorial service for my husband, Chuck Fagelson
Rosalyn & Glenn Feldman in loving memory of Rochell Weinstein, z'l, mother of Rosalyn Feldman
Ellen Franklin & Roy Silver in memory of Saundra Mandel, z'l
Monique & Greg Franklin in loving memory of Reinhard Hurlimann, z'l, in loving memory of Mark Hurlimann, z'l
Beth Goldberg and Robert Goldberg in loving memory of their father, grandfather and champion, Irving Jacob Goldberg, z'l
Brenda & Martin Goldmark in appreciation of Rabbi Joshua Aaronson
Lorrie & Richard Gurewitz in loving memory of Freda Kay, z'l, and Morris Kay, z'l
Cliff & Cynthia Hassel in memory of Frances Hassel, z'l
Leah M. Herz in loving memory of my beloved father Heinz L. Herz, z'l, on his 13th yahrzeit
Brandon Kaplan in honor of Victoria Manley's Conversion
Toby & Stephen Koppekin in honor of the birth of Greg & Chris Cohen's grandson, Dustin Rhodes Cohen
Dennis Levin & Marc Levin in honor of Susan Levin's Hebrew naming
Jonathan & Nancy Littman in loving memory of Jonathan's brother, Josh Littman, z'l
Judy Miller in loving memory of Joseph Miller and Monya Peckler, z'l, in memory of Robert Miller, z'l, Jules Burg, z'l, Larry Franklin, z'l, in memory of Will Johnson and Matthew Chaney, z'l, and Matthew Peckler, z'l; in memory of Arvey Shier, Jean Shier and Esther Neiman, z'l, on their Yahrzeits, and in memory of Elliot Ross, z'l
Ken Miller in appreciation of Rabbi Joshua Aaronson for your support in our time of need
Melissa & Adam Moskowitz in honor of Oliver & Elliott Moskowitz becoming B'nei Mitzvah
Michael & Ellen Opell in appreciation of unknown dedication
Nancie & Harvey Piccus in memory of Harvey's sister, Phyllis Shane, z'l, and in memory of Al Dreskin and Marlene Miller, z'l
The Roberts Family in honor of Benjamin Roberts becoming Bar Mitzvah
Valerie & Bennett Roth in appreciation of Rabbi Joshua Aaronson
Carolyn Rothberg in memory of Elliot Ross, z'l
Judy & David Rutt in appreciation of Rabbi Joshua Aaronson as we are fortunate that he is our Rabbi
Joel Schiff & Judith Gilbert in appreciation of Rabbi Joshua Aaronson
Lydia & Jay Schlanger in honor of the marriage of Lily & Hansel Sepulveda; in loving memory of Lou Schlanger, z'l, in memory of Jeff Schlanger, in honor of Henry Oster
Glenn & Bonnie Summer in memory of Allen Silberman, z'l, father of Eric (Ilene) Silberman, grandfather of Shayna and Adam
Lara & Eric Tochner in memory of Mony Haddad, z'l
Karen & Steve Twersky in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson's generosity to our grandchildren and RachelKaren & Steve Twersky in appreciation of Rabbi Aaronson's generosity to our grandchildren and Rachel
Larry & Barbara Weintraub in appreciation of Rabbi Joshua Aaronson during our difficult time
Rabbi Cantor Lily Blum Discretionary Fund
Amber & Jordan Barth in gratitude for Liam Barth becoming Bar Mitzvah
Steve & Michelle Mayer in honor of the birth of Annie Hope Blum
Marsha & Mark Novak in honor of the birth of Annie Hope Blum
Morgana & Brad Rosenberg in honor of Rabbi Cantor Blum for her teaching and tutoring of Ofilia Rosenberg ion her Bat Mitzvah journey
Carolyn Rothberg in congratulations on the birth of Annie Hope Blum
Robert & Ida Worth and Family in honor of the birth of Annie Hope Blum
Julie & Greg Zeisler in congratulations to Rebecca Zeisler on becoming Bat Mitzvah
Rabbi Goor Lifelong Learning Fund
Rabbi Leah M. Herz in loving memory of her beloved mother, Elaine F. Herz, z'l
Richard Hoffman in honor of his father, Sheldon Hoffman, on his 99th birthday
Morley Beth Sobo in loving memory of Terry & Al Sobo, z'l, her loving and lovable Mom & Dad and Temple Judea members
Lee & Arin Weissmann in honor of Gavin Weissmann becoming a Bar Mitzvah
Rabbi Bruce Raff Discretionary Fund
Andrew & Judith Benson in loving memory of Dorothy Benson and Benjamin Fox, z'l
Kim & David Daniel in honor of Rabbi Bruce & Tamar Raff on receiving Honorary Doctorates from American Jewish University for Jewish Education and Leadership
Sara Dreskin and Family in appreciation of Rabbi Bruce Raff for officiating at the service of Al Dreskin, z'l
Randal Duru in appreciation of Rabbi Raff
Feldman, Gettleson, and Goldstein Families in loving memory of Eric Lebovitz, z'l
Sandee & Joel Greene in loving memory of Rob Zimring, z'l
Richard Hoffman in honor of Rabbi Bruce & Tamar Raff on receiving Honorary Doctorates from American Jewish University for Jewish Education and Leadership; in loving memory of Neti Sussman's father, Nachum Dembowich, z'l
Sandy & Irv Klasky in honor of Rabbi Bruce & Tamar Raff on receiving their honorary doctorate from American Jewish University
Ron, Gilly, Nicki & Paige Maurer in loving memory of Vicki Maurer, z'l
Steve & Michelle Mayer in honor of Rabbi Bruce & Tamar Raff in honor of their honorary doctorate degrees
Allan Melnick in honor of Rabbi Bruce Raff on receiving an Honorary Doctorate from American Jewish University for Jewish Education and Leadership; in appreciation of Rabbi Bruce Raff
Judith Miller in honor of Rabbi Bruce & Tamar Raff
Alvin & Brendie Daniel Rosenbloom in loving memory of Teri Sobo, z'l
Howard & Marsha Spike in honor of Rabbi Bruce & Tamar Raff
Larry & Barbara Weintraub in appreciation of Rabbi Bruce Raff during our difficult time
Robert & Ida Worth in honor of Rabbi Bruce & Tamar Raff
Rabbi Eric D. Rosenstein Discretionary Fund
Anonymous in honor of Rebecca Zeisler on becoming Bat Mitzvah
Jeremy Cholfin & Tania Esakoff in honor of Michelle Cholfin becoming Bat Mitzvah
Barry Cynowiec in appreciation of Rabbi Rosenstein for officiating at the naming of Jordyn Fragoso
The Eskin Family in appreciation of Rabbi Rosenstein for everything he's done for our family
The Friedman Family in honor of Leo Allan Friedman's baby naming
Hadassah B'yachad Chapter in appreciation of Rabbi Eric Rosenstein for his thoughtful conversation regarding Israel's borders at the Hadassah B'yachad event
Lyndsey Hudgins-Davoudi & Houman Davoudi in appreciation of Rabbi Eric Rosenstein for the wonderful naming ceremony for Abigail Rivka Davoudi
Beverly Nemetz in honor of Rabbi Rosenstein speaking to Etz Chaim Havurah
Morgana & Brad Rosenberg in honor of Rabbi Rosenstein for his leadership and mentorship of Ofilia Rosenberg on her Bat Mitzvah
Jessica & David Sperling in loving memory of Renee Stavis, z'l
Neti & Jason Sussman in appreciation of Rabbi Eric Rosenstein for officiating at Nachum Dembowich's service
Robert & Ida Worth and Family in honor of Carly Rosenstein's Fellowship
Julie & Greg Zeisler in congratulations to Rebecca Zeisler on becoming Bat Mitzvah
Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot Discretionary Fund
Anonymous in memory of Terry Sobo, z'l, and Hilda Fogelson, z'l
Ricki Jill Averbach in memory of Marlene Miller, z'l
Amber & Jordan Barth in gratitude for Liam Barth becoming Bar Mitzvah
Pam Bakst & Family in loving memory of Carol Gardy, z'l
Jeremy Cholfin & Tania Esakoff in honor of Michelle Cholfin becoming Bat Mitzvah
Simone & Steve Cohen in loving memory of Jerry Sackler, z'l
Mickey Donner in memory of Ronald Spiegel, z'l
Gary & Wendy Ehrlich in honor of Dylan Bader
Steven & Janie Fogelson in loving memory of Hilda Fogelson, z'l
Ellen Franklin & Roy Silver in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot leading my Hadassah board installation
Anna & Antony Gluck in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot
Richard Hoffman in loving memory of Jerry Sackler, z'l
Barry Levitt, z'l, in loving memory of Morris Levitt, z'l, and Esther Levitt, z'l
Steve & Robin Levitt in loving memory of Barry Levitt, z'l
Celes Miller in loving memory of Laura Miller Schwarz, z'l
David Miller in loving memory of Laura Nicole Miller, z'l
Jason & Lauren Miller in loving memory of Marlene Miller, z’l
Judy Miller in memory of Ida Major, z'l
Melissa & Adam Moskowitz in honor of Oliver & Elliott Moskowitz on becoming B'nei Mitzvah
The Roberts Family in honor of Benjamin Roberts becoming a Bar Mitzvah
Alvin & Brendie Rosenbloom in appreciation of beautiful holiday music; in memory of Rob Zimring, z'l
Marla Sackler in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot, for everything
Heather Totten & Sassoon Sales in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot
Alan Schiff & Sheila Linderman in loving memory of Laura Miller Schwarz, z'l
Jay & Lydia Schlanger in honor of the birth of our great-granddaughter Dahlia
Snyder Family in gratitude of Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot for officiating at Marty Snyder's unveiling
Lee & Arin Weissmann in honor of Gavin Weissmann becoming a Bar Mitzvah
Adrienne & Michael Wienir in honor of Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot
Jackie Wissen in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot for bestowing blessings on the engagement of Ari Kohan & Aaron McCall and the 95th birthday of Jackie Wissen
Gerri Wissot in memory of Jeffrey Wissot, z'l
Germaine Wissot in honor of Dr. Jeffrey Lynn Wissot
Linda Zimring in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Wissot in our family's time of need
Social Action Assistance Fund
Evelyn Bergman in loving memory of Al Dreskin, z'l, and Neti Sussman's father, Nachum Dembowich, z'l; in loving memory of Saundra Mandel, z'l
Barbara & Todd Cobin in memory of Bryna Lane, z'l, in memory of Alfred Katz, z'l
Barbara, Todd, Drew and Shayna Cobin in loving memory of Helen Katz, z'l
The Conway Family in honor of Lois Scherer's special birthday
Myrna & Jerry Gordon in memory of Liz Sloman, z'l, mother of Alisa Schulman, and Elliot Ross, z'l, brother of Saundra Mandel
Richard H. Hoffman in loving memory of Libby Jane Hoffman, z'l and sending get well wishes to Joyce Glass
Bonnie Friedman & Cantor Gerald Miller in memory of Rob Zimring, z'l, and Larry Franklin, z'l
Ellen & Michael Opell in memory of Ron Spiegel, z'l
Alvin & Brendie Rosenbloom in loving memory of Al Dreskin, z'l, in memory of Florence Rosenbloom Levy, z'l
Lois Scherer, Sari Poremba, Amy Segall & Brian Scherer in memory of Poppa Bill Scherer, z'l
Lois Scherer in memory of Jerry Spike, z'l
Vivien & Glenn Weinman in loving memory of Ernest Herskovits, z'l
Joel & Gail Weiner in appreciation of Rabbi Cantor Lily Blum
Larry & Barbara Weintraub in memory of Dorothy Weintraub, z'l
Social Justice Fund
Margaret & David Altschul in honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Harper Altschul Wadsworth; in memory of Anita Berne & Bernard Berne, z'l
Evelyn Bergman in memory of Ron Spiegel, z'l
Carryl Carter in memory of Elliot Ross, z'l, brother of Saundra Mandel and uncle of Hilary Mandel
Claudia Bloom Soroko in memory of Bobbi Kudish, z'l and Marilyn Norman, z'l
Mady & Arthur Jablon in memory of Eve Walzer, z'l
Susan Guttman in honor of parents Ann Fischer, z'l, and Martin Fischer, z'l
Ellen & Michael Opell in memory of Elaine Levin, z'l, and Rob Zimring, z'l
Dale Robbins in loving memory of Aunt Terry Sobo, z'l, twin of her mother Elaine Robbins
Jane P. Robbins in loving memory of Aunt Terry Sobo, z'l, twin of her mother Elaine Robbins
Judy & David Rutt in memory of Debbie Briskin's mother, z'l, in honor of the birth of Greg & Chris Cohen's grandson, Dustin Rhodes Cohen; in honor of Ofilia Rosenberg becoming Bat Mitzvah
Judy & David Rutt in gratitude for Kirsten Winikoff
Lois Scherer in loving memory of Grandmother Bertha Krevat, z'l; in congratulations on Fiona becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Howard & Marsha Spike in loving memory of Ronald Spiegel, z'l, Jerry Spike, z'l, Al Dreskin, z'l, and Marlene Miller, z’l
Steven A. Fuld Youth Fund (Program Support)
Claudia Bloom Soroko in honor of the birth of Ellen & Stuart Israel's granddaughter, Isla Mar
Judy & David Rutt in honor of Rabbi Bruce & Tamar Raff on receiving Honorary Doctorates from American Jewish University for Jewish Education and Leadership; in honor of the birth of Ellen & Stuart Israel's granddaughter, Isla Mar; in memory of Robert Zimring
Marsha Spike in loving memory of Elaine Levin, z'l
Temple Judea Brotherhood
Kim & David Daniel in loving memory of Ronald Spiegel, z'l
Yvette & Eric Edidin in loving memory of Ronald Spiegel, z'l
Robert & Marsha Gordon in loving memory of Ronald Spiegel, z'l
Lois Michaels in memory of Ronald Spiegel, z'l
Ken Miller in honor of Brotherhood for your support in our time of need
Barbara Ralston in memory of Ronald Spiegel, z'l
Joan Herman & Richard Rasiej in memory of Ronald Spiegel, z'l
Carl Singerman in honor of Ronald Spiegel, z'l
TJVillage in loving memory of Ronald Spiegel , z'l
Charlene & Sam Wexler in loving memory of Ronald Spiegel, z'l
Andrew & Judith Benson in honor of Jackie Wissen for her 95th Birthday
Darlene Daniel in memory of Gayle Susan Miller, z'l, sister of Ken Miller
Judy Davidson & Marty Grant in appreciation of the TJVillage Happy Hour
Merkie Rowan in memory of Al Dreskin, z'l
Carol Zuckerman in loving memory of Rob Zimring, z'l
Women of Temple Judea
Elaine DiBlasio in honor of Marcy & Dan Lenard
Ken Miller in honor of Women of Temple Judea for your support in our time of need