Donald Goor
Rabbi Emeritus
Rabbi Donald Goor, Temple Judea’s Rabbi Emeritus, grew up in San Diego, California, as the son of a rabbi. He graduated from the University of California at Berkeley. In 1987, he was ordained at the Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in New York. Rabbi Goor then joined Temple Judea, where he reinvigorated worship services with new approaches that have brought Jewish traditions to life and have drawn people of all ages to pray and celebrate community together.
During his tenure as Senior Rabbi, Rabbi Goor demonstrated his determination to strengthen the synagogue in two further areas: as a Learning Community and as a Caring Community. For many years, he served on the faculty of Hebrew Union College, in Los Angeles, where he taught second and fifth year rabbinic students, addressing topics that relate to the practical aspects of being in the clergy.
Rabbi Goor continued his own studies at the Hartman Institute as a fellow in the Center for Rabbinic Enrichment Program. He co-founded the HOPE Network and the Valley Interfaith Council’s Homeless Project. He chaired the "Jewish Federation/Valley Alliance's Jewish Community Relations Council," and co-chaired the Jewish Federation's "Cults and Missionaries Commission." Rabbi Goor also served as Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Kalsman Institute on Judaism and Health at Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, Los Angeles.
After serving Temple Judea for 26 years, Rabbi Goor now lives in Tel Aviv, having made aliyah in June 2013. He is working part time for ARZA World Travel, the Reform Movement’s travel department, planning trips to Israel for rabbis and synagogues. Rabbi Goor is married to Cantor Evan Kent, his life partner of over 20 years.