Temple Judea's Board of Directors is comprised of a dedicated group of lay leaders elected by the congregation. As defined by the Bylaws, the job of the board is "to manage the affairs, funds and property of the Congregation."
The Board is headed by a President and an Executive Vice President. Those two individuals, along with the other Officers comprise the Temple's Executive Committee. The Executive Committee meets at least 10 times per year. In addition to the Executive Committee, there are up to 12 elected directors, designees from each auxiliary, the president of the Senior Youth Group, and up to 4 Presidential appointees representing the membership at large. Most directors are assigned specific responsibilities during their term in office. The Rabbis, Cantors, Senior Professional Staff, and Education Director, serve as non-voting ex-officio; members of the board. Many past presidents of the congregation are active members of our community. Under the Bylaws, these past presidents serve in an advisory capacity to the board. The Officers, directors, appointees, and ex-officio; members meet at least eight times per year. With a few exceptions, board meetings are open to the congregation. Meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm.
Chelsea Alon*
Jordan Raff & Jennifer Yale, ECC Parents’ Association