The Great Backpacking Event is Back

    06.27.23 | Stories, Articles

    Children experiencing homelessness face immense challenges that impact their education. They are more likely to repeat a grade, more likely to be placed in special education, and more likely to drop out of school entirely.

    One way to make a difference for these children is by supporting TJ's Great Annual Backpacking Event, organized by our Social Action Committee. Each year, Temple Judea purchases and packs hundreds of backpacks full of school supplies which we then donate to School On Wheels – a remarkable, local organization dedicated to empowering the almost 66,000 homeless students in LA County. We are one of School on Wheels' largest providers of backpacks each year. This year, our backpack goal is 613, representing each of the 613 mitzvot in our Torah.

    In these carefree days of summer, it is important for us not to forget the daily struggles these students face without a place to call home: worrying about where they will sleep, what they will eat, and, when school resumes, how they'll obtain basic supplies for their education. Pencils, paper, and backpacks may seem like small items to us, but for these students and their families, they hold immeasurable significance. 

    You can help right now by DONATING funds for the backpacks and the supplies needed to fill them. Then, go beyond monetary support by helping to fill those backpacks on August 12: just REGISTER HERE. Plus, this fun and meaningful experience is a family-friendly event! Bring your kids: it's a great way for young people to gain the insight and compassion that social action work provides. Together, we can give our neighbors who are experiencing houselessness some tangible support, and by doing so, we can remind these children that even if they are struggling, they are seen, valued, and worthy of every opportunity.

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